I remember the exhaustion that defined my life after the birth of my twin daughters. Late night feedings that were endless and days corralling my three energetic boys seemed interminable. There were meals to prepare, laundry that was incessant as well as Legos™ and building blocks strewn with abandon. Weariness pervaded my life. Rest was not prevalent and my strength was depleted. The new little blessings that had entered our lives in the form of two baby girls did not prevent me from feeling bone deep tiredness.

Fighting the Battle of Weariness
Five days into the new year and some of us are weary. Weary of fighting the same battles. Exhausted from the emotional upheaval of the past year. Tired of the endless rounds of division and untruths we are continually bombarded with. Shattered from the death of a spouse or close friend. That is to say, life has become jaded and our strength has been sapped.
When the weariness goes deep, God’s grace goes deeper. On the days we are drained and spent God is there in his infinite strength to hold us close. Furthermore, He remembers that we are but dust. In the remembering He offers us his strength. The promise can be whispered close or shouted loud. Whatever it takes to reach our hearts.
Hast thou not known? hast thou not heard, that the everlasting God, the LORD, the Creator of the ends of the earth, fainteth not, neither is weary? there is no searching of his understanding. He giveth power to the faint; and to them that have no might he increaseth strength. Isaiah 40:28 & 29
Isaiah 40:28 – 29
Remembering God’s Strength
It was to these verses my heart turned toward at the beginning of this year. As I read the words, they resonated deeply. Yes, I have known and I have heard that God does not faint nor does he grow weary. Yet, I forget. I fail to remember the things I have known and heard.
God whispered those words to me and my heart leapt with joy as I recalled that my Heavenly Father offers me limitless treasures from his storehouse of grace.
When we remember the strength of our God, we need not search any longer for energy from another source. Turn into his strength and find that he will infuse you with power to go on.
Practical Ways to Find Rest

We gain spiritual strength as we spend time in prayer and in God’s Word. Spiritual growth is certain as we further our knowledge of the Lord who does not faint, neither is weary. On a practical sense the infusion of physical and emotional strength can come from a variety of venues. Learning balance in the different areas of life is a practical way of finding complete rest for body and soul.
- healthy eating habits
- intentional rest
- consistent exercise
- water intake
- conversation with a friend/counselor
- learning emotional triggers
- realizing what refuels you
- setting boundaries
- gaining information
A much needed nap, exercise, and healthy food choices are only a few of the things that can be used by God to grant us strength to go on. Dear friend, if you are struggling through the waters of weariness, draw near to your Heavenly Father. He will meet you where you are, supply your need and direct your steps.
Finding Strength to Move Forward
It was two months of nightly feedings, times two combined with days of lively, energetic and tireless boys, times three that pushed me to exhaustion. I remember well, a trip my husband took me on near the end of that two months of fatigue. No, it wasn’t to a fancy motel nor a restful spa. It was a trek into the Allegheny National Forest.
My husband packed in the sleeping bags and food for our evening meal. He took charge of all the details. We stopped near a rushing stream. I sank down to the ground and leaned against a tree while soaking in the quietness and reveling in the moments with no responsibility calling my name. I rested that evening in the quietness of God’s creation.
Our sleeping bags were spread out beneath God’s canopy of twinkling stars. As I snuggled down into the confines of my sleeping bag to the music of the splashing stream and the occasional hoot of an owl I recall how tired I was and the dread I felt of facing another sleepless night. However, when I woke it was to a new morning. A morning feeling rested and refreshed and ready to continue onward. Even now, I look back on that night as one of the most restful and strength infusing sleeps of all times.

Strength for the Day
Similarly, when we have exhausted our ‘store of endurance’ let’s trek into the forest of God’s limitless grace. Let Him be your Guide and Leader. You can find rest for your souls as you sink into the confines of his everlasting strength. I am reminded of a song I learned as a child.
“My Lord knows the way through the wilderness, all I have to do is follow. Strength for today is mine all the way and all that I need for tomorrow. My Lord knows the way through the wilderness, all I have to do is follow.”
As this new year begins and weariness dogs your footsteps, remember that taking time to recharge and renew is not discounting the blessings that God has given. On the other hand, it is a necessary action to stabilize and care for the gift of life that God has imparted to you. Choose to turn to the One who does not weary and has promised to increase strength during the waiting and the resting. He knows the way through and will grant strength for the day.
How can you care for this gift of life that God has given in this new year? What actions do you need to take to realign and balance your life? Are you looking to what you have known and heard in the past? Do you remember that you serve a God who does not faint, neither is weary? Draw from his unlimited resources today.