The appointment calendar was crammed, the to-do list was overwhelming.  Voices filled the air, ”Mom, I want to talk to you.”  Mom, where’s my socks?”  “When’s supper?”  All calling for a piece of me.  A project started and never finished, laundry sorted but not washed, and needy hearts that longed to be drawn close all tugged me one way and then another.  Yet, even amidst the hustle and bustle of the busyness of life I heard Him calling me to stillness. “Be still and know that I am God.”  “In quietness and confidence shall be your strength.”

Years of waiting between pastorates, had taught me to value the quiet of ordinary-nothing days.  It was these quiet years that taught me much about God.  He had drawn me close and helped me decisively to stand on the knowledge of His Word.

As God led us, we moved to pastor a church located in the rolling hills of Indiana, away from the wooded quietness of our cabin home.  I, at times, in those years of waiting chafed at the seeming nothingness of my life.  When we moved into the parsonage, life seemed to pick up speed. Funerals to arrange, weddings to attend, pitch-ins to cook for and people to comfort.  I was chosen to do this, and I enjoyed it.

During a past Christmas season, in the space of a few days, I received three gifts with the same message.  A small frame with the words etched on it “Be still and know that I am God.” A package of notepaper tied with a ribbon and a tag attached that read, “Be still and know….God.”  Lastly a small wall hanging that I placed above my stove reads, “Let us be silent that we may hear the whisper of God.”  I laughingly said to my husband, “The Lord must be trying to tell me something.”  I acknowledged the need and then kept on with my full schedule.  During the weeks that followed, I’d wonder if life would ever slow down.  I missed the days of quiet contemplation, yet there was no way to change it.  Gentle prodding’s, to ‘be still’ came now and again. Then, “Mom, I need you….” and this post was relegated to a lower priority.

Days turned into weeks.

Weeks galloped into months.

Summer zoomed in with the busyness of life, places to go and things to do.

Even though this post was overtaken in the uproar of life and left to itself, God has brought me back again to this same thought, months later.  Stillness.

Psalm 46:10“Be still, and know that I am God.”  Psalm 46:10

The clouds rolled in, thunder roared, and rain pelted the earth.  Hour after hour, the rain continued without ceasing.  The storm finally wore itself out and slowly dissipated, leaving behind downed trees, flooded fields and rain drenched land.

There are times in life we face storms that seem never ending, always dropping more, bringing broken branches of despair and a drenched faith.  Yet amidst the flood waters we can find stillness.  And in the stillness we can find God.

As we drove along the fields full of rainwater reaching to the roadsides, the scene brought wonderment. The trees looked as if they were growing out of the middle of the lake.  As we traveled beside this newly formed “lake” I was startled to see, as we slowed, a beautiful reflection of trees reaching heavenward and of the blue sky beyond. The fields, though full of water were still now. The beauty in the once raging storm waters drew me.  The reflection of beauty amidst flood water astounded me, as I turned my thoughts toward the storms of life.

The storm had abated….ceased….stilled.  Yet its mark still remained to be dealt with.  In this case, all the farmers could do was wait…be still.

When floods overwhelm the soul, we are called to stillness, to waiting.  For it is in the stillness we will find healing.  In the stillness, the unraveled places of our soul can be stitched by the loving hand of God.

In a recent message, my preacher husband, said, “Real progress is made in our spiritual lives when we are subdued in our minds.”  I grasped that thought and tucked it alongside the thought that “It is in the stillness we see reflection.”

When we become still in our hearts and mind, before God, the reflection of His beauty can be seen.  Progress and growth can be made.  It’s no wonder He commanded, “Be still, and know that I am God.”

Go alone, abate, cease and consider God.  For in the stillness we can ascertain the faithfulness of God.  The stillness of heart and mind can cause us to discern and be assured that God Almighty is traveling our heart’s journey with us. There can be stillness among the storms and a learning of God in the stillness.

“Let us be silent that we may hear the whisper of God.”



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