In this world of loud voices, clashing political opinions and personal preferences we are faced with a great need to hear God’s voice.

Choices, Decisions and Results

The environment we have lived in and the worldview that has been formed within us highlights the creativity of God’s human creation. We are not cookie cutter robots. Nor are we puppets that God manipulates from His throne in Heaven.

We were created with a will. With a choice in what we do, how we act and how we develop this gift of life that God has given us. On the other hand, the Creator knows the master plan for our lives. Our Creator knows what it will take to form us into His image.

In spite of God’s knowing the best blueprint for our lives, He has given us all a choice. Our will determines who we will become and where we will spend eternity. Our choices will bring results. Whether they are good or bad will depend on the choice that we make.

Those of us, who realize who the God of the Universe is, choose to seek His forgiveness for the wrong choices we have made in the past. Moreover, we seek to pattern our lives after the principles and commands He has set down in His Word.

Our hearts crave a guidance from the All-Knowing One. Consequently, we pray and seek God’s will and direction.

The World’s Noise Drowns out God’s Voice

 God's voice

Subsequently, we hear and see the clamor of the world. The media frenzy is never a quiet entity. Opinions fly thick and fast on personal facebook’s, heated words without thought are framed and accusations are flung with a wide sweeping brush. As our opinions clash with our Christian brother, do we stop to analyze how our words will affect another? Do we hold our opinions as infallible? Or do we pause to ask God to check us if we are out of line in our behavior? Can we hear God’s quiet voice if we have let ourselves become caught up in the frenzy of differing opinions that bring about hurt and disillusionment?

In this life, we as Christians must answer the question, “How can I best represent the King of Kings?” When we live for a different world we must keep our focus and perspective on the Heavenly Kingdom.

  • What is your motive for this choice you are making?
  • Will your actions be harmful to your testimony?
  • What effect will it have in eternity?

Our ears must be tuned to hear the quiet voice of the Spirit directing our attitudes, actions and words.

In His Presence

We may be heartsick, at the world around us. The sickness, the deprivation of rights and the media all have become a mass of clamor and emotion. Yet, we are still to live with eternity’s viewpoint. Have we brought it all to the throne of God? Or do we try to figure out who is right and what should be done in our own strength? My own heart is convicted as I write these words. I, daily, need to choose to shut off the ever increasing amount of hype in the world around me and call upon God. I must enter into His Presence and find sustenance for my soul.

Sticking our head in the sand is not an option, but neither is accepting the voice of the world to govern how we act. I want to always be in the place to hear God’s Voice. That will only happen as I take the time to be in His Presence. I must meditate on God’s truth. We cannot be ready to hear God’s voice in every situation if our only source of knowledge is the world and its opinions.

The question is asked, What can I or should I be doing in this ever increasing world of evil? Should I be active in my stand for Christian liberty? The resounding answer comes back,


“Just pray?” you may ask.

“Yes, pray. Pray, before you answer in the heat of the moment. Pray, before you act on impulse. Let your actions be driven by heavenly decrees.”

God's voice

Seeking God

As we seek God’s face His personal directives will become clear. We have a direct line to the Almighty, if we would but utilize it. He has promised to direct our steps. God knows the big picture. When we draw near to Him our way will become visible.

“Life must never be viewed from the isolated instances of one’s personal struggle. There is a bigger and complete picture into which our personal struggle fits. That picture is in the mind of God. The closer we draw to Him the clearer the picture becomes.”

Ravi Zacharias in Cries of the Heart

God impressed upon Daniel, what he was to do in the midst of a godless land. The prophets were directed to act and speak out against the sins of the nation. Peter stood up to the Roman government and preached the truths of God. Over and over again, we see action taking place by God’s people. But it was only after they had found out what God expected of them. They spent time with the Holy One. Impulse acting was not in their repertoire. Their actions were governed by their Creator. They chose to place themselves into the hands of the One that had the blueprint. Action was taken only after they received orders from their God.

A Call to Hear God’s Voice

Let’s make sure we are in a place to hear God’s voice. May our actions be aligned with the will of God for our lives. We may each have a different job to do, but as the body of Christ we must work together. Find a quiet place and pour out to God the situation our nation is facing. Then seek His direction on what He would have you to do. Be still and hear God’s voice.

Jesus, In the midst of this life, may we have an ever increasing perspective of how You want us to act. Help us to each pattern our lives after your blueprint. Quiet our hearts before You, so that we can hear your voice directing our steps.


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