It was just a small window of time that I sat beside the placid lake. The trees that rimmed the banks were reflected in the depths of the water. A reflection that was as clear as the reality. But then a wind whispered its way across the lake and the image became a bit skewed. Moreover, as the breeze picked up, the still water became a place of rippling waves and soon the image disappeared altogether.

Churning Thoughts versus Peaceful Stillness
We often find ourselves facing winds of worry and turbulent times that disturbs the peace of our soul. Haven’t we all faced situations that had us walking the floors at night and pleading with God to bring about peace to the storm we are engulfed in? In those times, the peaceful stillness has been churned up by the turbulent breakers that come pounding on the shore of our soul.
In the meantime, we must lift our heart to the Father and seek to know him in spite of the tumult that may surround us. God invites us to a relationship with him that will carry us through this life. When we know him, we can trust him. When we trust him, our peace is assured. (Isaiah 26:3)
The hours have passed since I sat in stillness before that peaceful lake and reveled in the perfect reflection seen in the water. However, I could not help but think of the correlation our soul has with still water and reflections seen.
Still Water and Trust

For it is when our soul is quiet as a weaned child (Psalm 131:2) that it is trusting in the heart of the Father. In the stillness of trust we reflect the image of our God. Our lives become a testament to the God who rims our soul with strength and help.
Too often we let our soul become marred by the winds of worry and storms of strife. Consequently, the image of God is not seen reflected in our lives. When our minds become provoked and we recognize the churning of our soul we must intentionally seek out time to still before God.
It is in this instance we recognize that still is an action verb. A choice must be made to push back the cacophony of noise and be still. It is an action that must be honed and an undertaking that must be continued. Moreover, it is a still that will bring us back to the knowledge of God and his abundant love for us.
Mending Stillness
The Hebrew word for still is ‘raphah’. Though raphah means to cease, abate or to slacken it also means to mend by stitiching, to cure, cause to heal, repair thoroughly, make whole. It is when we still our soul from the frenetic pace of this world and cease the whirl of busy that God can work. He can stitch up the wounds of the soul. Furthermore, when we finish with the fear of the unknown and choose to trust our Father God, he gives us perfect peace, not unlike the stillness of a placid lake that reflects the surrounding landscape.
Within our choice to trust in God’s unfailing love, is a place of calm assurance and peace.
Within our choice to trust in God’s unfailing love, is a place of calm assurance and peace. It is a stillness, a peace that is found in God and not in this world. Choose not to let your heart be troubled because you believe and know God. (John 14:1) Even when faced with winds of change and waves of worry we can reflect the image of God because of the peace-filled stillness of our soul that is anchored in our relationship with our Heavenly Father.
A Choice to Still
It is God’s shalom that brings safety and rest to our hearts. A peace that is the ‘raphah’ God uses to heal and make us whole. If the wounds of your heart are gaping and heartaches leave you gasping, run to Jesus and find peace in his arms. Still the turmoil of your thoughts. Actively choose to still and let his peace permeate your soul until God’s image can be reflected in the healing choice of trusting in your Heavenly Father.
“Thou wilt keep him in perfect peace, whose mind is stayed on thee: because he trusteth in thee.”
Isaiah 26:3
When still becomes an action verb, it is a choice to let God’s image be reflected in our soul. We oust the worries and fears and turn our focus and trust to the One who will mend the wounds of our heart, while we still in His presence.

What do you need to do to still? Is there fear and worry churning up the water of your soul? Are there heartaches that have left gaping wounds? Has the image of God become marred by the attitudes of your heart? Are you longing for peace? If so, actively choose to find still. In the ‘raphah’ God will come and mend and make you whole.
Action Steps to Still
- Rise early and watch the sunrise.
- Memorize scripture about God’s character.
- Linger and watch the sunset.
- Let praise be your companion.
- Sip your coffee slow as you read the Word.
- Enjoy your littles as a gift from God.
- Embrace the season of life you are in.
- Remind yourself of the promises of God.
- Bring into captivity negative thoughts.
- Make gratitude a way of life.
- Choose to Trust God.
- Give your fears to God…again and again if need be.
- Soak in the life-giving words of God.
- Align your attitudes with God’s heart.
- Keep prayer central in your life.
- Hold your little one a little longer as you watch them sleep.
- Enjoy God’s creation
- Laugh long.
- Breathe deep.