Discouragement and overwhelm stalk our footsteps. When our thoughts linger over the hard circumstances in our lives a loss of confidence and dispiritedness can result. In addition aggravation with our circumstances tend to heighten our despondency.


I have walked the path of despondency to the detriment of those around me. Through varying situations I had to learn that discouragement does not equal unfaithfulness to God. Circumstances do overwhelm and discouragement does raise its ugly head. In these times, I had to recognize the reality that God walks with me.

In fact, Moses, the man of God faced just that kind of situation. Why would a man like Moses struggle with discouragement? The truth is that victories and miracles do not make you immune to discouragement.

Miracles and Monotony

Moses entered Egypt and watched God miraculously deliver the Israelites. As Moses stretched the rod of God over the Red Sea the waters stood up in a heap and dry land lay before them. He watched as that same path that led them to safety became a roiling mass of water and churning mud that swallowed up the pursuing enemy.

In those first weeks of travel God met them in their need and provided. Water became a problem, but it was not a problem for their All-powerful God. A granite rock became a gushing spring which quenched the thirst of animal and people alike. When food became scarce for that great multitude God sent manna from heaven. A daily miracle of grace.

Moses was front and center when all these miracles happened. He was instrumental in paving the way for God to bring deliverance. Moses was the intercessor that talked with God and gained answers to their dilemmas. On the other hand, we must remember that Moses struggled with some of the same emotions and feelings that we do today.


It was after the people let the daily miracle of manna become commonplace they began to complain. They lost the wonder of the miraculous in the midst of daily monotony. Consequently, discouragement and overwhelm surrounded them as they let their mind dwell on what could have been and what had been.

In the book of Numbers in chapter 11 we read this story of the complaining Israelites. They longed for what had been. Furthermore, they complained about the miracle of sustenance that they were currently experiencing. These circumstances, along with the heavy load of leadership led to a depletion of spirit for Moses. Which in turn brought Moses to the land of discouragement and overwhelm.

Discouragement versus Faithfulness

These emotions and feelings did not equal unfaithfulness on Moses’ part. In fact, we read in the next chapter what God had to say about Moses.

“My servant Moses is not so, who is faithful in all mine house.”

Numbers 12:7

In Hebrews, we have a commentary of this situation that reiterates the thought of Moses’ faithfulness. It was Moses relationship with God that held him steady through times of dissension. When he was inundated with the burdens of leadership He turned to God. Yes, he took his complaints and questions to God. Moses felt those emotions of despair and aggravation. Hopelessness and misery also took a turn in his roiling emotions. Yet he did not let those human emotions define his relationship with God.

Finding himself in this disagreeable territory, Moses turned to God. Similarly, when we recognize that we ourselves are living in the country of overwhelm lined with the mountains of discouragement we must run to God for our answers and find wisdom to overcome. It is in these times the devil delights in tormenting us to further despair. When this happens, we must remind ourselves that discouragement does not equal unfaithfulness, as the devil is wont to tell us.


Faithfulness comes in continuing to trust in spite of circumstances. It is furthered in the daily moments of accepting God’s grace as He leads us onward. Situations may usher us through emotional landmines. On the other hand, we see God’s faithfulness portrayed with exquisite details during those times of overwhelming obstacles and hopeless barriers.

When Life Doesn’t Add Up

Most importantly, when you find yourself thronged by misery and accompanied by the companions of discouragement and pessimism don’t let go of God’s hand. The following are thoughts to take note of when life just doesn’t add up.

  • Take the numerous questions, heavy burdens and low spirits to the God who can bring you through to the other side.
  • Remember that deterring emotions do not equal unfaithfulness to God as the devil would have you suppose.
  • When life doesn’t add up…take it to the One who is in charge of the sums.
  • Stop and take the time to see the daily miracles of grace that God gives within the monotony of day to day living.
  • Seek His wisdom for answers and find sufficient help.
  • Soak yourself in God’s Word.
  • When questions continue to surface regarding the resolution to your situation be reminded of God’s answering question to Moses continued questioning.

“And the Lord said unto Moses, Is the Lord’s hand waxed short? thou shalt see now whether my word shall come to pass unto thee or not.”

Numbers 11:23

In conclusion, we must realize that God does not give up on us as quick as the devil would have us to believe. Certainly, God remembers that we are as dust and graciously responds to the needs that we individually face.

When faced with a disheartening state of affairs don’t let it detrimentally define your relationship with God. Instead take those questions, burdens and situations to our God who stands ready to extend hope and help in our time of need.


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