The definition of solitude states that it is the quality or state of being alone or remote from society. Also may imply a condition of being apart from all human beings or of being cut off by wish or circumstances from one’s usual associates. That pretty much sums up where we are today in the face of the ‘shelter at home’ mandate.

Stillness, on the other hand is a noun that means the quality or state of being still; quietness; silence; calmness; inactivity. Habitual silence or quiet. During this time of isolation, quiet has not been practiced. We have not developed a habit of stillness. There always seems to be words to say and advice to give. The feed never seems to be silent. A countless number of articles can be found that gives us a smorgasbord of opinions. Consequently, causing a vortex of emotions to our already teetering self-control.
Busyness Halted for Solitude
America’s byword has been the word ‘busy’. Busy brought acceptance and approval. Production was key. Consequently, the state of stillness or a time of solitude was not an accepted means of rating high on the rungs of success.
The year 2020 races in. Without warning, the Corona virus sent our life into a tailspin and busy comes to a screeching halt. Events cancelled, flights postponed and life’s routines upended. For some it would mean loss of jobs, for others a work from home situation or online schooling. Still others, would find themselves in a state of overwhelm and fear.
For the medical field, the doctors and nurses work long and arduous hours. They became the heroes that battle for life in the midst of the tolling death rates week after week. Meanwhile, the mainstream American find themselves with a mandate for solitude they did not want.
Seeking Solitude
The introverts of the world, in some measure, take the quarantine in stride, as their world is compacted down to just a handful of family in their home. They have longed for such stretches of time where they could hibernate away from the bustling activity of the teeming world they live in.
On the other hand, the extroverts, are ready to climb the walls after a day of no other human interaction. Solitude has not been something they ever felt they needed or wanted. They are looking forward to the time of life with people, again.
Though each of our personality’s are different, we all have a need for some type of solitude. Solitude may scare us. Thoughts that we may have buried are apt to come to the surface. Hard questions that we do not have answers for will come to the forefront. As humans, we tend to shy away from this type of internal introspection.

Stillness of Soul
Yet, God wants to draw us close when these things mount in our minds. When we are forced to withdraw from other human interaction, and the busy of our life ceases, take heart. It is when the clamor of the world ceases, that God speaks. We just need to listen.
Let’s take this opportunity of unusual solitude that has been mandated to reconnect with God. Away from the noise of the bustling world we can seek to hear God’s voice. Our hearts and minds can become still as we practice resting in the Presence of God.
As we face the prolonged solitude in the coming weeks, let us practice the quality of stillness that God desires for us to have. A stillness of soul that can rest in the knowledge that God is in control.
Our life can be characterized by an inner peace and tranquility that God imparts. Though our extroverted selves may be climbing the walls because of our prolonged solitude, we can face it with an inner stillness that envelops our soul.
As we cultivate a habitual quietness, with God, our minds can receive clarity of thought from His Word. Our turmoil of heart can be quieted in the knowledge of the Almighty. The questions of who we are and what our purpose is can be identified as we take this unusual season of solitude and use it to deepen our soul growth.
Gifted Time
It may be, there is an area of personal discipline we need to develop or a character trait that needs fine-tuned. Perhaps there is a family relationship that requires cultivation or marriage that must be reinforced. Take time to reconnect with a friend and give encouragement to the downhearted. Find the real and essential for our eternity bound soul. In other words, don’t squander this gift of time that God has given.

This time of isolation can be used for our good. Moreover, that quality of soul stillness can be developed as we obtain knowledge of who God is and who we are in Him. Rest in His Sovereignty. Embrace this time to further your relationship with God and align your life to Christ likeness in various aspects of life. Soon enough, life will return to a more normal state.
It is then we must hold on to the lessons we have learned during this isolation. To sum it up, we must continue to create times of solitude and stillness that will keep our soul connected with the One who holds eternity in His hand.