As I slowly come to consciousness, pain radiates through my head. My eyes open to the dim light peeking through the slatted blinds. I close my eyes with a moan. The pain of the migraine blots out everything and turns my world upside down. My plans for the day are thwarted and my vision distorted.
Whether it is physical pain or emotional pain none of us run toward suffering with open arms, nor do we purposely invite heartbreak into our lives. In fact, most of us shrink away from pain. Sometimes it is an act of unconscious self-preservation. At other times we take specific measures to avoid the discomfort that comes with struggle. Yet, like it or not, God uses pain to get our attention and deepen our relationship with Him. There is purpose in pain.

Pain is a subject that we have a hard time coupling with the goodness of God. Yet pain can link our hearts with God’s. God’s heart was shattered, so that ours could be mended. He comes alongside us and carries us through what we are going through.
Because of the suffering of Christ, we can turn with confidence to the One who overcame. Suffering is something that we all have experienced. While we live on this earth hardship will travel the journey of life with us.
There is the pain of a physical ailment, the grief of losing a loved one, the heartbreak of a broken home or the betrayal of a friend. Abandonment, disgrace and shame all carry their own type of anguish. These are just drops in the bucket of the sweeping pain plaguing our world.
Furthermore, there are times we see through a haze of pain, whether emotional or physical, that can distort perceptions, narrow perspectives and thwart relationships. When we are wrestling with the ache that suffering has opened the door to, the rush of the world is pushed back and we are caught in the grip of doubt and uncertainty.
Become A Truth Teller
In the midst of our pain there is nothing so difficult as to have someone minimize our reality. We long for sympathy and understanding. Our sighs deepen as questions remain unanswered and the trouble lingers. Then we begin to view our surroundings with a pain-filled filter that distorts our perceptions. Yet, Paul reminds us that our sufferings, when considering eternity are just light afflictions.
“For our light affliction, which is but for a moment, worketh for us a far more exceeding and eternal weight of glory.”
II Corinthians 4:17
When our perceptions become distorted, we must examine truth and question our interpretation of our experience. It is true that pain is a reality in each of our lives. However, the other side of the coin is that suffering is to be considered alongside eternity. The pain in this world will end, but eternity is forever.

Become a truth teller to your heart and mind when the ache of a relationship gone wrong threatens to distort the understanding of your faith. Jesus reminds us that trouble is a part of this world, yet peace can be found in Him. (John 16:33) He is the God of hope (Romans 15:13). Furthermore, we can make it through the struggles of life and the grief from a loss of a loved one because of our confident trust in the goodness of God. (Psalm 27:13-14) God’s promises are given to support us through the anguish of unanswered questions and the deep distress of heartbreak. We can lean on God’s unfailing arms. He is a Promise Keeper.
In the middle of our problems of today we must not fail to apply the lessons we have learned of God’s character in the past. Don’t let pain distort who God is. Be a truth teller to your heart.
Be A Choice Maker
Another problem with pain is that it narrows our perspective. Tunnel vision results when suffering comes close. The world fades away and our understanding diminishes as heartbreak overwhelms. However, God shares his perspective to correct the view of our situation. We must remember that He is God. His purpose is for our good.
“For as the heavens are higher than the earth, so are my ways higher than your ways, and my thoughts than your thoughts.”
Isaiah 55:9
Jesus has come to bind up the broken-hearted and to set the captive free. (Isaiah 61:1; Psalm 147:3) We can be freed from sin’s captivity and the wounds we have acquired can be healed. However, pain will still be a part of life. And within our suffering there will come a time to choose. The visual impairment of the soul must be dealt with.
Are we going to view life through God’s perspective or resign ourselves to our limited vision? We must choose to believe that God has a bigger plan going on than what we can see. Be a choice maker, because God is a Waymaker.
Pain and the Miracle Worker
It’s true that “Hurt people, hurt people.” We grapple with this thought when the hurt goes deep. Yet when this understanding dawns upon us we gain the ability to step away from a situation and recognize the hurt behind the barbed words that pierce our heart and the inconsiderate actions that wound our spirit.
“When pain upends your life,
let God right your world.”
When pain upends your life, let God right your world. God can take the suffering you are experiencing and work it together for your good. (Romans 8:28) When your perspective becomes narrowed, refocus your vision on the God who is in the business of remaking your soul and restoring relationships. The dark days may not go away, but in the darkness He will light your way.
We are all going through something. Trouble and problems come to each of us. Though we may not yet have acquired a rejoicing spirit when tribulations come, (Romans 5:3) we can be assured that God is working in us the miracle of a deeper trust and richer relationship with Him as we surrender to His plan for our lives.
It is in our suffering we learn to trust the sufficiency of God. When doubt and uncertainty invade, burrow further into the love of God. Don’t let trouble thwart your relationship with God. Keep your situation perception aligned with God’s perspective. Let God be the Miracle Worker in your pain.
Kristen Rupp · March 24, 2023 at 10:05 pm
Such practical ways to work through pain. Thank you for sharing!
Holly · March 24, 2023 at 11:38 pm
Blessings on you!