Desperate Journey

The shadows lengthened across the desert sands as a lone figure, with desperate strides made his way across the parched land.   A solitary tree up ahead caught his attention and he made his way toward what shelter the tree offered.   Bone weary and famished he sank to the sandy ground and soon fell into a troubled sleep.

Overwhelmed with life, emotionally spent and full of unanswered questions Elijah began his journey out across the uninhabited wilderness.  Needing to get away he pushed onward until he could go no further.  Alone, yet not removed from the caring hand of His God.  An angel awoke him and as if in a dream he ate and once again fell asleep.  God, knowing what he needed, again provided sustenance.

Troubles sought to snuff out his life.  The drought of the past years had taken its toll on him.  Loneliness of heart and spirit plagued him.  When we are faced with a modern take on this situation, just as in Elijah’s case, God knows and sees.  He provides respite for our soul when the journey is too great.

Destination Reached



Elijah has been judged for going to the cave, but it was what he needed to find the stillness and restoration his soul required. His destination was the Mount of God.  He journeyed through the wilderness till He came to Sinai.  Sinai was where the people of yesteryear had encountered God.  It was here that the Almighty God had made a  covenant with the Israelite’s.  Here too, Moses sought and found fellowship with God.

Elijah needed a fresh sense of God’s presence.  A time of solitude with the Holy One.  He needed more than the miracles and work of God that he had been a part of and witnessed.  Elijah sensed this in spite of or maybe because of the overwhelming situations in his life, the darkness of depression he was experiencing and the myriad of questions that flooded his mind.  And so he journeyed.

He went seeking strength for life’s situations, light for his soul and answers to his questions.  His destination was the Mount of God.  As Elijah arrives at the base of Mt. Sinai he searches and finds shelter from the onslaughts of wind and rain…in a cave.  And there he lodges.  Elijah has come to find the restoration of soul that God had promised.  He needs God’s answers.  With that in mind, he lodges at the Mount of God.  We are not told how long he stayed. It might have been a day, a week, a month or two, but we do know that God met him there.

Designed encounter

Though life sends us to the cave, we can know that God will meet us there. God will personally minister to us in the way that we need.  Possibly its a question that God needs to ask us that will stir our hearts and lead us to examine our motives.  God’s question for Elijah was “What are you doing here, Elijah?”

Perhaps in the middle of the dark and lonesome valley Elijah had let slip the reality of the kind of God He was serving.  I can imagine the depression muddling his brain until it seemed there were no answers. Feelings of loneliness brought despair.  When God questioned Elijah he poured out his feelings of inadequacy, desperation and abandonment.  Just as with Elijah, when we have forgotten the promises of God in the midst of  our chaotic life, God calls us to Himself and gently reminds us of who He is and that we have not been left alone.

Elijah experienced wind and storm, earthquake and fire yet still he stayed.  He tarried until the stillness brought the presence of God.  The calm brought the voice of God and refreshing for his soul. God designed a personal encounter with Himself for Elijah.  It was here that He received answers and direction to go on.


When life sends you to the cave lodge and wait. Say with confidence as David said,  “I will wait for You…My God of mercy shall come to meet me;”  (Psalm 59:9 & 10). God will meet you where you are in life and will guide you on your journey. He desires to design an encounter just for you. A time of restoration for the soul.  God chose you.  He calls you. The Faithful One will remain faithful. “Faithful is He that calleth you, who also will do it.” ( 1 Thess. 5:24)  Through God we are enabled to take the next step, leave the cave with His Presence and travel onward.



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