When snow blanketed the ground during the winter months, a favorite game in the schoolyard was Fox and Geese. A maze of paths was trampled out and the Fox’s den was outlined. A safe place was also formed. It was really a game of tag with a little pizazz added.
Naming the one who was “it” as the fox escalated the danger in the minds of the children. Running, laughing and tumbling into the snow as the fox sought to capture his prey was the game at each recess in the wintery land of Pennsylvania. When captured and placed in the fox’s den, you were only released if a brave heart was able to sneak into the den and tag you without getting caught themselves.

Winter Memories
Snow came in the night. Softly falling, covering everything with a clean blanket of white. I ventured out into the world of white. The snow had swallowed up the dullness of the winter day. As I tramped through the unbroken snow, I was transported back to that school playground of yesteryear.
The rosy cheeked children, the laughter ringing through that snowy land and a time when life was simpler. In my mind’s eye I can see my schoolmates. There were Kathy and Stacy. Erik and Carmie. Calvin and Dan. Doug and Mic. Sis and Cyndi. Betsy and Cay. Paul and Billy. Sharon and Deanna. Wade and Charlie. Dixie and Heidi. Wendy and Jodi. Lyndi and Tammy. Larry and Jim. And the lists goes on.
That one-room schoolhouse was the scene of character building and learning. Each of us have grown and moved away. We have chosen the path of our lives. As I sit looking out on the snowy depths on this winter day I ponder the game of Fox and Geese played in that schoolyard so long ago. For in its simple rules I find life characterized.
The Enemy’s Stronghold
Whether we liken ourselves as geese or sheep we all have an enemy that seeks to devour. The devil is “it”. He seeks to envelop us in his traps and keep us in the den of sin. When we have been captured with the devil’s ploys it is only our Braveheart that can release the chains that hold us. He has entered into the stronghold and bought victory for us with his own life.
Jesus can release us from the den of sin. It is in this release we can find the forgiveness we need, as well as strength to go forward with intention. Jesus will lead us through the maze of this life. He knows how to avoid the pitfalls and entrapments of the enemy. When life has confounded us and the maze of circumstances have us panting for relief, as in the childhood game of Fox and Geese, run to the safe place.
The Victor’s Triumph
Jesus is our safe place. He is our refuge. Our rock and our hiding place. No longer do we have to be subjected to the devil’s plans and entrapped in his stronghold. Jesus braved the den of hell to wrench the keys of death from the enemy. He came out the Victor. It is in this victory that we can find ourselves freed from the chains of sin. His brave heart brought freedom and release to all those that will claim it.

As we travel through this life, despite the enemy that is prowling, we have One who has triumphed over evil. Though for a season, the enemy seems to be gaining the upper hand, remember the battle has already been won.
Walk forward with confidence in the God who has triumphed. He sees the things that aren’t as though they are. Our vision may be lessened in the blinding snow of the winter days of circumstance, but we can rest assured that our God has and always will triumph.