We look forward to the changing of the seasons. The fragile beauty of new life turns to the summer growth of mature vegetation. As the cycle continues harvest comes and autumn showcases her change in the varied hues of russet, orange and gold. Then come the cold winds, blowing snow and short days of winter.

At times we long to hold onto the long days of summer or wish to breathe the brisk air of fall for just a bit longer. Yet seasons come and go just as God ordained it so.
Similarly, we find that God has established seasons of life. Some seasons seem interminably long, and we wish for the next phase of life. On the other hand, there are times that we shrink from the changing of life’s season.
Season of Change
I’m facing one of those life’s seasons. I remember well the days of homeschooling our five, being on call 24/7, the tears and the joys. There were days that it felt like that season of chaos would never end. However, I find myself wishing for those days of rambunctious boys and tomboy girls as I face this new phase of life.
Those rambunctious boys have grown and married. Men of whom I am proud to say I had a part in their raising. My tomboy girls are entering new chapters of their own. One has recently married and the other has said yes to forever with her childhood sweetheart.
As I close the door on this season of hearth and home, I am reminded that every season holds its joys and sorrows. And that the best way to enjoy each season to its fullest is to stay in your season. Stay in your story and in your reality. Grasp the joys and grapple with the hard. As you do so you will find God faithful.
Trusting God with your Seasons
When God created this world, he set the seasons in place. A regular cycle of growth and pruning, harvest and waiting.
“While the earth remaineth, seedtime and harvest, and cold and heat, and summer and winter, and day and night shall not cease.”
Genesis 8:22

The Creator of the seasons is the Sustainer of our lives and its seasons. Your season of life will not look like another’s, though similarities will be numerous.
You may be facing the season of toddlers, stacked dishes and a never-ending mountain of laundry. The hard of financial woes may be your companion or the season of homeschooling days gone wrong. Or it could be you have entered the empty nest season. No matter the season of life you are walking through, God’s got you.
May I remind you that when the tears slip down your face and you feel too tired to go on, lean on Jesus. You will find Him sufficient for every need. Day slips into weeks like a blurred movie, yet in the blur keep holding on to our All-Sufficient God.
A Choice for each Season
In each season, choose to find the joy displayed in the middle of the mess. Hold close the moments of sticky finger hugs, the endless questions of “why?” and the never-ending shouts for “mom”.
Trust your journey through the seasons of your life to the One who can step into your story and make the difference. He will give strength to go on, wisdom to share and grace for the hard.
Whether it is a growing time or pruning time in your life it all can be placed with confidence into the hands of your Creator. As you choose to stay in the season God has placed you in, you will find that the Author of your life knows best.
As I tentatively step into this season of ‘empty nest’ I must remember to stay in the story of my season. There are opportunities awaiting and joys to celebrate. When the hard days come and the cold winds blow, I know that my heart and mind can be stayed upon God. (Isaiah 26:3) As I trust my story to the Creator of seasons, He will fill my heart with a brilliant color that will showcase His peace.
Dear friend, whatever space you are walking through, I pray that you will find abundant joy in God, peace in the storm and God’s all-sufficient grace for every season.
Vickie Turley · October 27, 2023 at 8:33 am
I am in a season of grandchildren starting to grow up. It’s hard for me as I’m constantly reminded of our short time here in Earth. While I long to be with God, I also will miss the time with my family. But God has been so faithful to provide so much time with my family in this season and I’m so grateful for that.
Holly · October 30, 2023 at 2:02 pm
I am right there with you. My last daughter will be getting married in the spring of next year and my third grandchild will be born. This season is indeed challenging, but God is faithful.
Beatrice · October 27, 2023 at 10:13 am
Your words slipped soul deep and are so timely for me today. I’m right in the middle of the long, challenge-filled days of raising young children and homeschooling. At the end of the days that drain all of your reserves, it can be so hard not to long for a different season. Thank you for this beautiful reminder to lean into Jesus and His strength, to flourish in the season I’ve been planted in! ❤️
Holly · October 30, 2023 at 2:05 pm
I remember that season and also the temptation to long for a different season. Praying that your strength will be renewed and that you will flourish in this season as you lean into Jesus.