There are situations in life that cause us to pause and realize that our vision has become blurred. The lens through which we perceive God has become obscured. In those seasons we must begin redefining life. The word redefining, according to the Webster dictionary means “to reexamine or reevaluate especially with a view to change.”
Reexamining our View of God’s Faithfulness
As I walked among the forest with the leaves displaying their vibrant color I was reminded again of the scope of God’s faithfulness. From the beginning of creation God placed us in a world of changing seasons. It is God that is in charge of the changing of seasons. Year after year we see the splendor of each appointed season. God has never once forgotten that autumn follows summer nor that spring comes after winter. He has kept that promise that he gave at the beginning of time.

“While the earth remaineth, seedtime and harvest, and cold and heat, and summer and winter and day and night shall not cease.”
Genesis 8:22
The validity of God’s faithfulness is showcased anew as we witness the splendor of autumns beauty. God’s faithfulness sets the stage for our unwavering trust in Him. When our minds and hearts can grasp the thought that God cannot be unfaithful despite the circumstances that may be at odds with that perception, peace will be the result. The word faithfulness brings with it the concept of stability and security.
As we encounter the vibrant hues of autumn, let it transform our view of God’s faithfulness. May we comprehend in a deeper measure that God’s faithfulness is meant for each of us personally. We can rest secure in the stability of God and his faithfulness in every circumstance of life.
“But the Lord is faithful, who shall stablish you, and keep you from evil.”
2 Thessalonians 3:3
Reevaluating our Understanding of the Presence of God
The trail leads me downward toward the creek nestled in the colorful ravine. The leaves gently twirl to the ground around me, creating a path of gold for my feet to tread. My eyes are drawn to a still pool in the midst of the creek. The shallow stream is filled with rocks, debris and sand with minnows streaking through the water here and there. I blink and readjust my vision to see the glowing colors reflected in the water at my feet.

I watch as the still waters are disturbed and the reflection runs together in a muddled way. The reality of the changing leaves that surround the stream has not changed though the reflection is not clear.
As the ripples spread and then recede and the image clears once again in the shallow creek, I am reminded of the presence of God. We know that God has promised to be with us always. In fact, there is no place that we can flee from his presence. On the other hand, how often do we doubt that God is actually present with us, especially, when faced with the turmoil that surrounds our life?
Redefining Life Through the Reality of God’s Presence
Those ripples that messed up the reflection of the reality surrounding the stream reminded me that when still waters are touched by an outside force the reflection is disturbed but the reality is still present. Similarly, this same premise can be applied to the reality of God’s presence.
Life happens and winds of trouble blow. An outside force disturbs the stillness of our soul and the reflection of God’s presence seems unclear. It is then we must remind ourselves that our God is Emmanuel–God with us. Because we have realized the faithfulness of God, we can acknowledge the presence of God despite the chaotic places we may be facing. It is in the present that we are promised God’s presence. Though our muddled feelings may not be reflecting the presence of God, we can trust that He is in our “now.” He is still present. God enters into our world and walks with us.
Reflecting on the Depth of God’s Mercy
I pause beside the shallow stream. The ripples have receded and the pool of water is still once again. Life has pushed and pulled me in multiple directions. My soul feels the meaning of the word harried. Consequently, I seek solace in the solitude of God’s creation. My gaze is drawn again to the reflections of autumns splendor. I peer into the shallow stream and I am startled by the depth I see in just a foot of water or less. The length of the tree trunks seem to go endlessly downward as the mirrored image is reflected in the still water.

It is in the stillness we can see deep. Moreover, it is when we still our heart and soul before God and quiet the noise of the world that we can begin to realize the depth of God’s mercy anew. Mercy is God’s compassion and kindness. We have done nothing to deserve God’s mercy and yet He extends it to us over and over again.
God’s Mercy Showcased
It was God’s mercy that drove Adam and Eve from the garden. That removal from the garden was their path to a merciful redemption. It was mercy that promised the Savior and fulfilled that promise with his Son. We did nothing to deserve forgiveness through the sacrifice of his Son, yet God gave it with whole hearted love and compassion. Rejection of the mercies of God invites the judgment of God. Acceptance of God’s mercy brings an underserved transformation. He continually showcases his mercy toward us. Daily his mercies are new.
“It is of the Lord’s mercies we are not consumed, because his compassions fail not. They are new every morning: Great is thy faithfulness.”
Lamentations 3:22-23
When we pause to reflect on the abundant mercies of God we will go deep. We will begin to worship. Just a glimpse of his reflected mercies will be enough to give God praise. It is by his mercies that the wounds of the soul are healed. Strength to go on is given from his abundant supply of mercy.
Redefining Life
Furthermore, we can sense the vastness of God’s mercy when our understanding of the faithfulness of God is in place. When we grasp the faithfulness of God, we can rest in that daily supply of God’s mercy. The promise of God’s presence is his mercy in action.
It is not that we deserve his presence, nor his mercies. but it is through the kindness and compassion of God that He faithfully gives us of his presence and his longsuffering. Forgiveness, guidance, and so much more are given daily. We will never exhaust the limitless resources of God’s mercy.
If your life has become harried and worn and busyness has blurred your vision take time to still in autumns splendor and begin redefining life through its lens. Do you need to re-examine your view of God’s faithfulness? The changing seasons showcase the faithfulness of God. Do you need to re-evaluate your understanding of the Presence of God? Be reminded of the reality of God’s presence despite outside forces that send ripples across your soul. The redefining of life is to be done with a view to change. Correct your understanding and worship as you reflect on the depth of God’s mercy in your life.