In Part 1 of Questions that Clarify I talked about the first question that God asked Hagar when He showed up in the middle of the wilderness. The following quote encompasses the necessity of understanding our origin.

“Your desert experience may bring about a loss of bearings for a time while questions bombard your mind. However, clarity will come. Take time to answer the question of your origin. When you know you come from God, you will also know that you are safe with God.”
Questions that Clarify – Part 1
Hagar’s desert experience brought clarity to her understanding, as well as direction for her steps.
It wasn’t just where she had come from that God wanted Hagar to understand. He also wanted her to know where she was going and who she was traveling with.
Part of Hagar’s story is found in Genesis 16. In this desperate race into the wilderness God met her there. He called her by name to remind her that she was personally known. Then with loving care God probed for answers.
“And He said, Hagar, Sarai’s maid, whence camest thou? And whither wilt thou go?”
Genesis 16:8
The answer to the first question is the building block for the second.
Where do I come from? I come from God and in Him I am safe. Our answer is anchored deep in the steadfast love of God.
As we rest on this abiding truth another question is pushed to the surface.
Where Are You Going
Hagar did not have a specific destination answer to the question of ‘where are you going?” She only knew that she was fleeing her situation.
How often do we find ourselves running helter-skelter away from our hard? We become confused and disoriented. Instead of turning to God for grace and help in our hardship we turn and run headlong into a desert of our own making.
Our choices determine our destination. Consequently, in answering this question of destination we must consider our choices. Whether it is physically, emotionally or spiritually choices matter.
If your physical objective is to be fit and healthy by the end of 2024 a regular diet of donuts and soda is not for you. Your choices today will determine your destination tomorrow.
If emotional-laden reactivity has been your mode of operation in the past, yet you want to redirect your reactions, an intentional choice to face and overcome this destructive pattern must be made.
In spiritual matters the same holds true. We do not find ourselves flourishing spiritually without a definite choice in the matter. Your choices determine your destination.
We must implement habits of discipline in the realm of our spiritual life if we are to become like a tree planted by the waters.
What is the destination that you are mapping with your choices? In your perusal would you find yourself in a desert of your own making because of erroneous choices you have made? Or would your path be determined by your decision to live purposefully for God.
Rerouting with God
It is not too late to reroute your life.

As Hagar confessed her choice to flee, she found direction and strength to turn back to the hard and do the right thing.
Her steps may have faltered a bit in the turning, but she clung to the God of promise. The God that found her in the desert would continue to be with her in the hard. Hagar came face to face with the knowledge that she was seen and known by God. And that made all the difference.
Are there decisions that you have made that need an about-face? Desert living is not a choice God has for you. God wants your spirit to flourish in spite of the circumstances you may face.
Yes, you may face heartache and sorrow in this life, but within those situations you can know that God is growing you into a tree planted by the rivers of water. In drought you will not wither, because you have rooted your soul in God. (Psalm 1)
Questions Answered with Confidence
Answering these two questions, ‘where are you from?’ and ‘where are you going?’ can bring clarity to your soul.
Your relationship with God may be non-existent right now. However, God is calling you to come home to Him. You can find redemption in Christ. Furthermore, as you abide in Christ you can trust that the purpose and plan He has for your life is good.
When we recognize that we are from God and our home is in Him we can confidently trust in the destination that God determines for our lives. The ultimate destination is everlasting, abundant life in Heaven. Until then God wants us to flourish in our relationship with Him.
Let God govern the choices of your life. Pause and listen to the whispers of direction that He gives. Lean close and learn more of who God is.
You can know with clarity where you are from and where you are going. With these questions answered the remainder of life’s queries can be addressed with confidence because of the God that walks with us and directs our steps.
Gina Castell · January 11, 2024 at 7:39 am
Thanks for your word. Love hearing about God’s good plan for us. See you on Compel. ❤️ G
Holly · January 11, 2024 at 10:09 am
Blessings, Gina!
Vickie Turley · January 11, 2024 at 9:35 am
This was beautiful! I need to share it with some close family members.
Holly · January 11, 2024 at 10:06 am
Thank you for taking the time to read and comment. I pray my writing can be an encouragement to others.