It’s a joy to watch a young child grow. The crawling stage, the standing stage and the first tentative steps have adults cheering like the toddler just won the Olympics. When the child falls and faces problems with balance during these learning phases, encouragement ensues as we try to get them to do it again. A sense of security is gained as a hand reaches out and the youngster clings to who he knows. Normally a proficiency is acquired within each stage before moving to the next level. It’s growth. Moreover, it is a journey that each human has taken.

Similarly, in our walk with God there are stages of learning. God cheers us on as we venture into the realm of trust and obedience. It is not with frowning face, nor disapproval that God is present. He is encouraging us onward at every level of attainment we reach. Moreover, God’s abundant graciousness is evident in the way He leads and guides us.
Abram’s Decision
Abram was called by God to walk forward in trust.(Genesis 12) We know the story, how he left his home, his family, and his hometown. His decision to cross the Euphrates River held within it an element of resolved determination. Abram had no plans to turn back. God called and Abram answered.
A detailed map was not given. Instead it was a broad overview of what God wanted from Abram. God reveals Himself and his plan by degrees. Abram stepped into the unknown future with God as his guide. His obedience fueled his trust in the Almighty.
We, as humans, have a tendency to shrink back from the unknown. Furthermore, we want a plan with the daily steps outlined. We obey with cheerful obedience when the sky is blue, the sun is shining and the way is clear before us. God’s promises shine bright on those “not-a-cloud-in-the-sky” days.
Nevertheless, setbacks happen and problems arise. When the vision of our future becomes blinded by circumstances and our steps what do we do? It is during these times that we must cling securely to the God we know. When faced with obstacles that make the future impossible by our perception step closer to God’s side. A training maneuver is happening. God graciously holds us steady as we take those tentative steps into the unknown. Trust is growing in spite of blurred vision. It is in these times more of God is revealed.
Problems Encountered
We see this in Abram’s life. Abram began his journey not knowing where he was going. It was a daily trek of trust. God revealed the path he was to take along the way. God’s direction landed Abram in Canaan. We are not told of all the days of stumbling feet or doubting thoughts in this segment of the journey.
However, we are given a peek into Abram’s consternation about God’s promised land when they arrived.
“And the Canaanite was then in the land.”
Genesis 12:6
No doubt, Abram may have thought he had misunderstood God’s directions. The Canaanite were obstacles that were in the way of claiming the land of promise. On the other hand, it is the presence of such barriers that should have us seeking the Presence of God.
Reassurance Given
Those tentative trusting steps of Abram seemed to have faltered, but God appeared (Genesis 12:7). God came to reassure Abram that He was secure in His hand. Moreover, God strengthened and broadened the promise He gave to Abram. God explicitly conveyed to Abram that this was the land that Abram and his seed would receive, (Genesis12:7), in spite of the hindrances. And Abram worshipped.

Too often we think that obstructions somehow annul the promises of God. But instead it is in the difficulty we see the ability of God. When the clouds of circumstance obscure the way forward, the devil wants us to leave God in a huff of disbelief. However, the obstacles should have us clinging to the hand of the One we know. It is in the presence of problems that God’s grace is seen more clearly. In fact, it is of God’s mercy that we face hurdles which will send us hurtling into the Presence of God.
As we choose to cling to Whom we know, growth in that stage of trust and obedience will result. God will come and reassure us of His Presence and remind us of His unfailing faithfulness. And then as Abram did, let us worship the Almighty God.
Problems do not annul the promises of God.
Complications accent the capacity of God.
What complications have you encountered that are causing you to stumble in your walk with God? How can you use this impediment to propel you into the Presence of God? Remember that problems do not annul God’s promises. Instead complications accent the capacity of God.
Terry Cotner · May 5, 2023 at 1:02 pm
What a lovely analogy of the faith of a child! May each of us learn to step up into God’s way with confidence in the new skills He is developing in our faith journey along the way! I look forward to trading in my wobbly baby steps for firm footsteps of faithful obedience.
Holly · May 5, 2023 at 2:25 pm
We have such a good and faithful God! Thank you for taking the time to read and comment!