Moses certainly had it all. He had been raised in the palace since he was a young child. All the wealth and comforts of Egyptian royalty were at his disposal. Moses was raised knowing that power, position and prosperity were within his grasp.
And then life turned upside down. Moses murdered an Egyptian for beating an Israelite slave.
In the end, we find Moses running for his life.
Peace and Perspective
It was in the desert, Moses found peace within the long days of shepherding. Forty years of desert living.
From God’s perspective it was forty years of honing and molding Moses into a man that God could use. From Moses’ perspective it was forty years of living with shame and disgrace.
However, it was with certainty that God was working out a plan for Moses’ life. It was within the consequences of Moses’ action that God was able to bring about a hunger in Moses’ heart to know him.
The burning bush experience became a marker of knowledge and understanding for Moses.
Barefoot and bowed Moses worships God Almighty as the bush burns and is not consumed.
Plans and Promises
God detailed the plan of deliverance for the children of Israel. However, Moses’ excuses came out in full force. His incapability dogged his thoughts and the impossibility of his accomplishing the task had him questioning God Almighty?
Have you been there? Questioning God’s plan for your life while feelings of incapability swirl about you. Do you discount God’s Presence as Moses did?
Nevertheless, in the middle of our excuses God infuses His promise into our hearts, just as He did with Moses.
“And he said, Certainly I will be with thee;”
Exodus 3:12
Here we must pause and let the doubts and questions fade away. The God of Heaven has promised to be with us. He speaks with certainty. His words are absolute. What God says, He performs.
Yet Moses asked for clarification. Moses wanted to be clear about who would be going with him. Moreover, Moses wanted no confusion when he relayed the message to the children of Israel.
And God graciously answered. It was here in this burning bush experience that God opened the door wide as an invitation to learn about His character.
“And God said unto Moses, I AM I THAT AM; and he said, Thus shalt thou say unto the children of Israel, I AM hath sent me unto you.”
Exodus 3:14
This became a defining moment for Moses. It was here that Moses caught a glimpse of the character of God.
Knowing and Believing
When a promise is given, the character of the person is considered whether consciously or subconsciously. A good character brings with it the certainty that the promise given will become a promise kept.
In addition, to the promise given God provided a character reference, so to speak, when He shared with Moses His name of ‘I AM’.
God’s name reveals his unchanging nature and total faithfulness to his people. God was saying, “I am today what I will be tomorrow.”
Upon the certainty of the promise of His presence God placed the undeniable truth of His own character.
God was wanting Moses and the Israelites, as well as you and me, to expressly understand the constancy and faithfulness that emanates from His character. In knowing His character we can be secure in His promises.
An Invitation to Know
Moses began a journey into knowing the heart of God. He faced his insecurities and questions. Moreover, he was chastised for his disobedience. Yet through it all Moses learned more and more of God.
As Moses faced each hurdle God was faithful to lead him onward. This journey of knowing God is a journey that God invites each of us on.
As we journey further in to knowing God, He certainly will be with us. His promises are certain. Without question, we can stand on His Word.
The faithfulness of God today will continue into all of our tomorrows.
Michele · February 9, 2024 at 1:55 pm
Questioning God’s plan for your life while feelings of incapability swirl about you.
You have accurately described the season I am in. My prayer has been that I would know God more – it is a journey and not always a pretty one. The end result of knowing I AM is worth it! Thanks for this reminder!!
Holly · February 12, 2024 at 9:26 pm
I have been where you are. In your questions and swirling doubts God will draw near as you step closer to Him. It is the desire of God’s heart that we personally know Him.