Adrenalin surges as the wind whips the sturdy trees like matchsticks. In the lightning’s glare the clouds take on a greenish hue as the storm rises in fury. Sirens scream and emergency alerts flash across our screens. We shelter under the stairs or in the basement. What’s more, we anchor ourselves with a death grip to the solid infrastructure as we grasp our loved ones close. Many of us have experienced violent storms in our lives and survived.

Storm Survivors
Some survive the storm with no damage. Others have only the burden of outages to bear, still others lose their homes but escape with their lives. Then there are those who face grief and sorrow in the loss of loved ones.
However, in the aftermath of the storm there is a shared camaraderie with fellow storm survivors. We can empathize because we were there and went through the storm. A storm often clears inhibitions that result in compassionate action. Neighbors check on neighbors and step in to lift the burden.
As we stood on the threshold of our home a few days ago and watched the storm build I was reminded of another storm that rocked our world. Satan had dealt a blow to God’s Kingdom and watched in glee as turmoil and destruction took its toll on God’s perfect world.
The Magnitude of God’s Heart
However, in the aftermath of the storm, God stepped in. The severed souls of His creation were hunkered down trying to shield themselves from the fury of the tempest that they had produced with one fateful choice. Nevertheless, with compassionate care, God sought Adam and Eve out of the darkness of shame and sin and relayed to them a plan. A plan to bring us all back to the arms of God.
As we quietly walk through Holy Week we catch a glimpse of the magnitude of God’s great heart of love and compassion. In addition, we see the plan of salvation unfold. Jesus came to face the storm of sin for us. Moreover, the full force of God’s wrath fell upon His Son, while Satan celebrated with glee.
Jesus betrayal and arrest catapulted Him into the eye of the storm. With rapid precision Jesus was put on trial and was condemned to die. Moreover, Jesus was stripped and beaten, a heavy cross was dropped on his bleeding shoulders and the trek toward Calvary began. Then the ringing hammer and shuddering breath, as nails ripped through flesh, signaled the storms renewed fury.
The wind whipped the robes of the people standing by, dark clouds roiled in the distance and then rolled in with fervor. Lightening flashed as the agonizing words pierced the darkness, “My God, my God, why have you forsaken me?”
In those final hours, pain and agony tormented Jesus’ body. Moreover, grief and rejection ravaged His soul. The storm raged on until once again a voice through the darkness reaches even our ears, “It is finished.”
Jesus Faced the Storm
On earth, the storm abated, yet in hell the furor of the storm built as Jesus stalked through its corridors. With a victorious cry, Jesus vanquished the devil and came forth with the keys of death in hand.
In the aftermath of the storm Jesus is coming for you. He has shared in your suffering. You that are hiding in shame and disgrace and those of you that have lost hope, listen for the footfalls of Jesus. He is coming to rescue you. Certainly, Jesus wants to pull you out of hiding and into his open arms.
Jesus walked into the tempest for you and quelled the fury that was against you. Victory has been won on your behalf. Today, we stand in the shadow of the cross. The storm is over. It is finished. Furthermore, your account has been cleared. In the aftermath of the storm you will be found.
Found and Forgiven

When your heart has been shattered and the winds of sin have torn your soul asunder, call out to Jesus. In the darkness and the pain, you are not alone. Because Jesus is the victorious Storm Survivor He knows and understands your weakness. (Hebrews 4:15) You can boldly advance out of your basement dwelling and let the Daystar shine upon you.(2 Peter 1:19) Let Jesus walk into the aftermath of your storm. You no longer need to cower in fear.
Let go of your inhibitions and regrets. Jesus brings a new day. Surely, He has bent low to raise you up. A resurrection morning for your soul is here. This year as Easter approaches, step out of hiding and into the arms of Jesus. In the aftermath of this storm of sin, you can be found, your sin forgiven and your soul restored.
Karen · April 7, 2023 at 6:29 pm
Great use of storms to show our challenges. Good job!
Holly · April 11, 2023 at 2:41 pm
Thank you, Karen. Have a blessed day!
Kristen Rupp · April 8, 2023 at 8:44 am
Holly, what a beautiful piece! This was truly encouraging to my heart today. Thank you! 💕
Holly · April 11, 2023 at 2:42 pm
Thank you for taking the time to read my writing. I’m grateful I could be a source of encouragement. Have a blessed week.