In the dead of winter, new growth is only a dream. As the days slowly slip by and winter begins to lose its grasp, we begin to watch for signs of spring. Those first green shoots we spy send a thrill through our soul.


As I contemplate those shoots thrusting their way out of the cool earth, I realize that growth did not just begin when I perceived that first invigorating sight of green. That growth had its start in the bowels of the earth. In fact, it was in the darkness, that growth began.

Growth Begins in Darkness

During those long winter months there is still life, though it cannot be seen and the seeds and roots lie dormant. On the other hand, it is in the winter that nutrients are being made ready for when the plants begin to push their way above the soil once again. Underground life is still going on. The soil is teeming with microscopic life. In the darkness the seeds still have vitality, though they lie dormant and life cannot be seen.

All life and growth begin in the darkness. The darkness of the womb. Buried seeds under the darkness of the earth’s crust. Those fluffy yellow chicks that shout spring, began in the darkness of a protective shell. Furthermore, it was out of the darkness of nothing that God spoke the life of this world into existence.

Gaining Nutrients For Our Spiritual Life

Similarly, at times our spiritual life seems to be in the winter months. We look and long for new growth and we see nothing. When we don’t see any progress or new growth we may be tempted to think that it’s just not worth it or that we are doing it all wrong.

It is during these times of darkness that we must live by faith. We must trust the promise of our Creator that He is faithful to work what is needed in our lives. Some of those promises that are relevant to God’s working and has held me through those dark times I share below.

Make you perfect in every good work to do his will, working in you that which is well pleasing in his sight, through Jesus Christ, to whom be glory for ever and ever.

Hebrews 12:21

Faithful is He that calleth you, who also will do it.

1 Thessalonians 5:24

And we know that all things work together for good to them that love God, to them who are the called according to his purpose.”

Romans 8:28

When faced with days where there is no visible growth, take heart. God is using all things for our good and His purpose. His purpose and our good is to conform us to His image. Throughout these times there are steps we can take to add nutrients to the soil of our heart. In this way, when the new growth appears we will be prepared to nurture that growth into maturity.


Keys For Nurturing Soul Growth

These basic actions will feed the soil of our souls and prepare it to bring forth that spring growth that we are longing for. Faithfulness in the tumultuous, as well as the mundane days of life will reap rewards.
The keys for nurturing soul growth include, but are not limited to:

  • Reading and meditating on God’s Word
  • Praying in faith
  • Practicing gratitude
  • Obeying God’s Commands—doing what you know to do.
  • Singing songs of worship

These things will do for us, what the nutrients in the soil do for the roots of the trees. As we abide in Christ and gain depth in the Word of God we will become rooted and grounded in Him. Through Him we are sustained.

Don’t lose heart. God has unlimited resources that He is working in us on our behalf, as we trust in Him. Those soul roots that we nurture daily through these keys will bring growth. We will bear fruit for His glory as we abide in Him. In the darkness of our trials and circumstances new life will begin.

Exposing Our Root System

Interestingly enough, when the leaves fall from the trees, the outline of the bare branches mirrors to some extent the root system underground. Likewise, it is through the winters of hardships that our root system is exposed to others. How do we react? Are we stayed upon our God in spite of our circumstances? Are we accessing the power we find in God? Do we give Him praise in all things? Do our lives testify to the fact that we trust God?

Growth That Bring Results

As we meditate on God and His Word, we will find nourishment that will bring growth. Prayer will build a strong relationship with our Lord and Savior. Practicing gratitude will open our eyes to the goodness of God. Sowing actions of obedience will reap an abundance. Singing songs of worship will fill our hearts with joy.

soul growth

In short, the growth that has begun in the recesses of our heart, unseen except by God, will assuredly flourish outwardly. When we nurture growth God’s way, we can expect results. This season will not last forever. Rejoice! For spring will surely come.


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