The rapt faces of the children were on the patriarch, as he once again shared the miracles of the past. That there was a God in heaven was an obvious fact to these children who had been raised with the nightly ritual of the retelling of God’s goodness and His intervention in generations past.

As the story came to an end and the cluster of children were herded off to bed, they left with the expectation that in their time of need God would show up.
Allegience to God
The Psalmist in chapter 44 bears out the thought that the retelling of God’s power and deliverance was a key aspect in the lives of the biblical family. The reminder by the head of the household that it was God’s strength and not his own that had brought the victory in time past was a valuable part of a child’s upbringing.
In fact, we see that the author of this Psalm has chosen to align himself with God. With humble allegiance he pledges himself to trust in the name of God and not in his own strength or abilities. Furthermore, God had personally stepped into his own situation and the author testifies that God had saved him from his enemies. 44:7
With that God-sent victory in mind the Psalmist states his intention to brag on God and praise him forever. (verse 8)
However, the psalm does not end there. In verse 9 a definitive contrast is made. Despite the past deliverance, a new victory is needed. Yet, instead of imminent triumph, confusion, shame and bewilderment reign.
Bewildered by Circumstance
Psalm 44 lays out the author’s present confusing and bewildering circumstance. The problems and trials that the Psalmist faced did not coincide with what he knew of a miracle working God. Within his finite understanding nothing looked like it should.
Have you been there? Do you know the miracle-working ability of God? And yet when faced with calamity it seems you are walking through it alone with no miracle in the making for you. Is your mind whirling with questions and confusion as to why this is happening?
The Psalmist was there. Let’s look and learn of a pathway through. Despite the confusion and questions an unmistakable pledge was made to stay with God despite life’s unsolved hardships.
“All this is come upon us; yet have we not forgotten thee, neither have we dealt falsely in thy covenant. Our heart is not turned back, neither have our steps declined from thy way;”
Psalm 44:17-18
After stating unequivocally his commitment to keep trusting, the Psalmist further shows the depth of his relationship of trust by taking the step of acknowledging an open search of his own life, motives and actions. (44:21 & 22)
God knows the secrets of our heart. He knows if there is anything misaligned in our understanding or actions. When we come with humility and ask God to search out anything that is contrary to kingdom living, we can be assured that God will not ignore that petition.
God’s Goodness and Mercy
For God’s sake, we can walk through whatever situation in life that comes our way. (44:22) Even in the face of unanswered prayers and no miraculous intervention we can trust in the goodness of God.
Psalm 44 ends with the problem unresolved and another desperate prayer. However, within that plea we find that the continuing mercy of God is highlighted.
Despite, ______you fill in the blank, we must continue to trust in the goodness of God. Remember that untold heartache, grief and calamity are not signs of God’s lack of love for us.
As I was studying this chapter, I was excited to find that Paul quoted a verse out of this Psalm in the book of Romans. He tucked the following verse into his heartfelt message of God’s love for us.

“Yea, for thy sake are we killed all the day long; we are counted as sheep for the slaughter.”
Romans 8:36
This verse lies between statements of how nothing can separate us from the great love Christ has for us and Paul’s famous declaration that we are more than conquerors. Overwhelming victory can be ours through Christ. Paul accents God’s unfailing love, despite “all these things.”
A Choice to Trust God’s Goodness
Paul picks up the determination found in Psalm 44 that despite difficulties a trust in God is the only viable option. He highlights the love and goodness of God. Because of that clarity of vision we can, with the Psalmist, pledge our allegiance to Almighty God.
We must grasp with mental and spiritual understanding that God can be trusted in the middle of desperate times, as well as on sunlit days. The calamity and trouble of this world does not preclude the love of God for us. No, it is as we walk through this world of pain and suffering that victory can be ours as we trust and rest in God’s unfailing love.
- Recognize God’s unfailing love.
- Pledge devotion to God despite unresolved trials.
- Acknowledge the need for God’s searching gaze.
- Grasp the fact that victory is ours in Christ.
Today, if you are walking through the landmines of life take steps to forge onward. Highlight the goodness of God, despite the trouble that abounds. He is a God to be trusted.
Susan Davidson · November 3, 2023 at 7:54 am
This is a beautiful reminder that we can trust God at all times and a story of his faithfulness worth retelling.
Holly · November 3, 2023 at 8:56 am
Thank you for taking the time to read and comment. His faithfulness is indeed worth retelling.
Vickie Turley · November 3, 2023 at 8:53 am
Love that this started with the retelling of faithful times. I think it’s important that we remember and retell. I wish I had done this when my kids were little but I was not in a good place. I do have this opportunity now with grandkids. Thank you for this post!
Holly · November 3, 2023 at 8:59 am
Thank you for taking the time to read and comment. So thankful that God redeeems the past. Blessings.
MaryEllen Black · November 3, 2023 at 10:48 am
This is such a wonderful post and perfectly timed for this season of my life. Thank you for sharing –
Holly · November 11, 2023 at 9:28 am
Thank you for taking the time to read and comment. May God draw you close in this season of your life.