It was a gradual loss of hearing. One day she realized that much of her hearing was gone in one ear.
My daughter contracted a double ear infection which affected her hearing. It became so bad that in a large group with multiple conversations happening at once, specific words were indistinguishable. Confusion filled her face as she tried to ascertain what was being said. Words became just a cacophony of noise. Not only was her hearing impaired, but her overall quality of life and balance was affected. Outside intervention was needed for her hearing to return and find balance in life.
Confusion at Babel
This incident reminded me of the confusion that reigned at the Tower of Babel when God gave people different languages.
It was unexpected. The confusion on their faces as they met to begin the next step in their building process must have been unnerving. Moreover, quarreling and fighting erupted and at last the building had to stop and the people scattered all over the world.
I couldn’t help but wonder how the people of the land had gotten to this place. To illustrate, it was a unified rebellion against God and His plan. They chose their way in place of God’s way. Instead of lifting God’s name high they desired to make a name for themselves. In fact they became a unified body in this plan to build a tower that reached the heavens and topple God’s directives. (Genesis 11:1-9)
Gradual Hearing Loss
I daresay it wasn’t just a spur of the moment decision, but a progressive letting go of their anchor points of belief. It was a step-by-step movement away from God.
A gradual letting up in our spiritual life will take us down the road of confusion. When we do not keep our eyes central to God and His ways loss happens. Hearing loss in the physical is devastating, but how much more is it when our soul loses its ability to hear from God. If God’s voice is becoming muffled stop and take inventory. Silence the turmoil and listen for the whisper of God.
The people of the Tower had Noah for their ancestor. He walked with God. Noah displayed a lifetime of obedience to God’s plan. Noah’s story, God’s plan for rescue and the great Flood was conveyed to each successive generation. However, that wasn’t enough.
A Daily Cure for Hearing Loss
A daily personal relationship with God must be maintained if we would not have our souls derailed.
Within the hard, within the questions, within the confusion, within every aspect of life we must continually seek God’s face and quiet our hearts to hear from Him.
When the good times come and the praise and applause of men for our prowess happens it is even more imperative to hold our relationship with God as most important.
The devil will do whatever he can to thwart God’s plan. If he can hinder you by getting your eyes on people or trusting in your own wisdom, he will. Moreover, pride, comparison and doubt are all ways that impede our ability to hear God’s voice.
When we override the whispers of the Spirit by stubbornly going our own way, destruction will result. Hearing loss of the soul is a gradual process. Don’t give the devil room to speak into your life. Keep your ears tuned to hear and obey God’s voice.
Take Inventory
As God investigates the city of your heart, what will He find? Are there towers that are hidden from the passersby?
What are you building in your life? Have you begun building a monument to yourself? Is your identity wrapped up in what you can do? Has God’s voice become just so much noise in the confusion of your life? Are you running headlong your own way?
God knew that destruction would result if the people continued unhindered in their plan to make a name for themselves. They were trying to live without Him. He loved them too much to let destruction happen without intervention. Consequently, languages were changed, and the people scattered.
God’s Intervention
Today, we know that God orchestrated the biggest intervention of all when Jesus came from outside this world to involve Himself in the lives of His sin-stained creation. Furthermore, He came to save us all from imminent destruction. In fact, God’s love for you crosses all boundaries. He wants you wrapped safe in His embrace.
There is a way back to the heart of God through Jesus’ death and resurrection. He came to rescue us. If your life has gotten sidetracked from the ‘main thing’; call out to Jesus.
Moreover, if your soul is only hearing the relentless noise of the world something is wrong. Take a step back. Pause and wait in silence. Ask God to intervene so that you can once again hear the whispers of the Spirit.
To sum it up, we cannot live life apart from God. Let Him reorient and restore you. He alone can bring balance back to your soul.
“Create in me a clean heart, O God; and renew a right spirit within me. Cast me not away from thy presence; and take not thy Holy Spirit from me. Restore unto me the joy of thy salvation; And uphold me with thy free spirit.”
Psalm 51:10
Elizabeth · June 5, 2024 at 8:36 am
Thanks for the devotional. I was curious what intervention restored your daughter’s hearing.
Holly · July 1, 2024 at 9:13 pm
Hi Elizabeth,
We used various oils as well as went to the doctor where she was put on an antibiotic and a steroid.