Complacency and carelessness. Indifference and prayerlessness. Pride, as well as rebellion. All of these and more are spotlighted in the book of Zephaniah. God brings judgment on various nations, as well as His beloved Israel.
God’s retribution for the various sins of the nation are highlighted in this Old Testament book of 3 chapters. On the other hand, there runs a thread of divine sorrow that grips the heart. Jerusalem’s list of sins, stand alongside the heathen nations. They have turned their back on their Creator and have become indifferent to serving God.
It is not God’s desire that a populace be swept from the face of the earth with destruction. On the other hand, if nations persist in their rebellious sins against the Maker of all the earth, judgment will come.

Complacency Defined
In the first chapter of Zephaniah we read these words about Jerusalem, the city that God had placed His seal on.
And it shall come to pass at that time, that I will search Jerusalem with candles, and punish the men that are settled on their lees: that say in their heart, The Lord will not do good, neither will he do evil.
Zephaniah 1:12
God speaks again and again to Jerusalem. God was speaking, but the people were not listening. They were content with life as they had it. No one was willing to expend energy to make a change. There was no one ready to move God-ward.
The Almighty God says he will search Jerusalem with a candle. A meticulous search. A careful search. One that misses nothing. God is on a mission to purge Jerusalem. To awaken them to a deep life with Him.
God states that He will punish those that are settled on their lees. This statement refers to someone settled in complacency. One who is self-satisfied. This self-satisfaction is usually accompanied with an unawareness of the dangers that are near and very real. This type of person is one who is satisfied with the lack in their spiritual life. They don’t believe God will intervene in their life either for good or bad. They are satisfied with a life of zero-God involvement and have no understanding of the dangers that complacency represents. A religious form is what they have settled for in their lives. An appearance that brings them satisfaction.
God is Speaking…Are You Listening?
God realizes the danger of a complacent spirit. He knows it will bring down a city, as well as a heart and soul. Consequently, God is repeatedly taking us down avenues that are designed to keep us looking heavenward.
Though at times, we humans are apt to miss it. We so often get settled and content with the way our life is happening. It is then easy to push aside the disciplines of the Christian life. Carelessness creeps in. We take our eyes off of God and begin trusting in our own skills to direct our steps.
In spite of our waywardness, God continues to speak. Are you listening? God wants us to regularly correct that which is off kilter in our lives.
Carelessness Leads to Desolation
The light of God’s justice pinpoints a careless city in chapter 2 of Zephaniah.
This is the rejoicing city that dwelt carelessly, that said in her heart, I am, and there is none beside me: how is she become a desolation, a place for beasts to lie down in! every one that passeth by her shall hiss, and wag his head.
Zephaniah 2:12
I can just imagine the watchman of the city getting careless on their job. There had been no trouble for as long as they could remember. Why go to all that trouble to check the city walls and gates, again? Why stay so vigilant when a short nap would feel so good?

On one of these occasions an enemy did gain entrance to the city. Of course, the problem was short-lived. The enemy was ousted and new protocols put in place for the city’s protection.
Vigilance, once again, became important. For awhile, the watchmen were so very careful. Then complacency and carelessness began to creep into their lives once more. In addition, feelings of self-sufficiency and pride in their accomplishments become more pronounced. Consequently, the walls of the city were breached by the adversary. Which in turn, brought about defeat.
We hear the exclamation, “How she is become a desolation!” We could turn this into a question. How did this rejoicing city come defeated and desolate? It all began with a bit of carelessness. Something that they thought wouldn’t matter.
Spiritual Complacency
In our own lives there is a danger of complacency which leads to careless living in regard to the spiritual standard God has set. When things are going well, we are apt to get careless in our living. Each one of us must stay alert and vigilant. We are the watchman for the city of our heart. If we let up in our Bible study, slow down in our prayer life, or begin to hold resentment against someone that has hurt us, the desolation begins.

The devil wants us to keep on as if nothing is wrong, but deep down in our hearts we know when something isn’t right. God speaks again and again. He tries to correct our course. Are we hearing? Or have we become deaf to His voice? When we are no longer attentive to the voice of the Spirit, our circumstances will lead us to doubt God, which will then cause defeat.
When we have realized that there is a spirit of complacency in our lives something must be done. We must bestir ourselves. Picking ourselves up by the nape of the neck, so to speak, would be in order. The dangers of complacency of spirit are great and must be dealt with.
Obedience, Correction and Trust
Furthermore, Zephaniah opens another window into what is behind the desolation of a city.
“She obeyed not the voice, she received not correction, she trusted not in the Lord, she drew not near to God.”
Zephaniah 3:2
God, as a just God, brings judgment. Subsequently, He offers the way of repentance. His heart longs for us to choose the way of repentance. In verse 7 of this same chapter we hear the love and divine sorrow mingled with a hope that the people would turn and fear him once again. That they would seek His instruction and trust His heart. But they would not.
Are we guilty of not obeying God’s voice or putting up a fuss when we are corrected? How about when it comes to trusting God even when the way is not seen? Are we making an effort to draw near to God? Our Father God keeps speaking, hoping, loving and working on us. He longs to be in the midst of us. Tune your heart to hear His voice.
God nudges us toward a more disciplined life. He wants to teach us how to live a more self-sacrificing life. A life reaching out to others is another way God wants us to learn to live. These are just a few ways to help keep us from falling into a life of complacency.
Let’s learn from the judgments that were meted out to these different nations. Live near to the heart of God. Don’t let carelessness and complacency gain a foothold in your life. Depend on God for guidance. Seek His instruction. Live with the humble heart that God desires. Accept the course corrections that God gives.
Keep your heart with all diligence.
Proverbs 4:23