In the gray days of winter it is easy to lose sight of growth. It is then we must choose to flourish. The signs that point to a flourishing life in nature are gone. The trees are barren, the grass has died and overhead hang the relentless gray of the clouds that pour down rain, snow and sleet.

life lies dormant

Seasons of Growth

For God’s creation, winter is a time of rest and renewal. A time to replenish the roots. Under the cold ground lies the dormant seeds. Though we cannot see it, they flourish. When spring comes, the seeds will be ready to shoot through the loam of the earth with life that we rejoice over. The dead-looking trees will once again be arrayed in the green of spring.
God has created the seasons. The cycle of life and growth are perpetual. Spring always comes. Consequently, the deadness of winter days will not always last.

Choices To Be Made

Our lives have seasons and cycles, as well. There will be times when we flourish. When life is bursting and full. On the other hand, winter seasons of life will come. Life will seem to lie dormant. It can become like the unending gray days of winter’s season. However, it is then we must choose to flourish.

choose to flourish

Moment by moment we can make choices that will cause our souls to flourish despite the dormant life that surrounds us. Do the hard thing. Choose to be faithful in the everyday. In addition, just be kind. Further, plan intentional growth and learning. Subsequently, select time to draw near and sit at the feet of Jesus.

As you stand at the crossroads, what choices will you make? Don’t squander this time of replenishment. How will you choose to flourish?

The following are a few ways to help you begin to make the most of life’s winter season.

Flourish Through Action

  • Choose to do the next thing. Being faithful in our everyday life has been underrated. The importance of doing the next thing is vital. Faithfulness in doing the laundry, cooking that meal, and caring for the needs of your family builds in you stamina needed in life’s journey. What is the next thing in your life that needs doing?
  • Choose love and kindness. It is easy to let the dreary days become all about you. Days when you just want to shut everyone else out and forget about others. However, reaching out to someone else will help grow your soul. Someone has said, “Every act of kindness strengthens the spirit and grows the soul.” Use the season of winter in your life to strengthen your soul with love and kindness to others. Choose kindness. A random act of kindness can brighten another’s day. Give a smile. A sincere compliment given can be a light for days to come for another’s heart. Be intentional. Make that choice to love.
  • Choose to learn and grow. Evaluate your life and find how God wants you to change. Work on that characteristic that you are lacking. Read that book that will challenge you to think. Find what replenishes your soul. Make the choices today, to become who you want to be tomorrow. What we know and what we do with that knowledge affect who we become.

Flourish Through Ceasing

Choose to flourish by ceasing
  • Choose to rest and renew. Winter was given to the plant life for a reason. The seed lies dormant, roots are strengthened and life is renewed throughout the cold, hard days. In all our doing, we need to place strategic times in our lives to stop. We, too need to rest and be renewed. Saundra Dalton-Smith in her book “Sacred Rest” states it this way, “Rest is not simply pushing the pause button on your day. Rest is not merely taking a break. Rest is about replenishing, restoring, renewing, recovering, rebuilding, regenerating, remolding and repairing.” Seek out ways to stop and rest. Learn to live life where you are at and not always looking for the next thing. Just be. Be still. Draw strength from your Heavenly Father as you sit at His feet. Let Him lead you by the still waters and restore your soul.
  • Choose to wait on the Lord’s timing. God is in control. He knows best. We might think that we know exactly what must be done and forge ahead without thought. However, we must remember that we are finite beings. All things are not made known to us. There will be times when God says, “wait” and it doesn’t make sense. In those times, remind yourself of the truth that God’s ways can be trusted. His time is always on time. There has not been and will not be a time when God will fail. When God directs us to wait, don’t forge ahead. Pause. Wait…and draw near to Jesus.

Prepare to Flourish

As I have listed various ways to flourish, I am reminded that through it all, there must be a balance. A balanced life will provide a stable environment for growth.

We must not do one thing to the exclusion of all else. Neither should we be crammed so full with our methods and actions that our head is constantly spinning and our heart is continuously trying to catch up. As we seek God’s direction in every area of our life we will find balance. God can and will give balance and stability to each of our decisions.

flourish when dormant

If the winter days of life surround you, make the most of them. Strengthen your roots. Become grounded in God’s Word. Build up others and replenish your soul. In addition, take time to just be.

Above all, find the balance that God wants in your life. He wants that personal interaction with you. His plans are for your good and His glory. If you want to know the best way to handle your seemingly dormant life, seek Him and prepare to flourish.


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