It was a chore I dreaded. This clearing away of the memories and mementos contained in my Mother’s home. As my sisters and I sorted box after box of bits and pieces there were articles discarded and others retained. Various items brought back cherished childhood days, while other articles brought a different understanding of things we thought we had known.
A Letter Found
One such item was a letter written in 1969. It was 52 years ago that my Grandpa Cecil wrote a letter to my Grandma Isabelle. A handwritten letter that shared his love for his bride of thirty years and expressed his thankfulness to his God for the strengthening of their relationship. This letter provided a different perspective to the stern German grandfather that I remember as a youngster.

Faith and family were of utmost importance to him. Relationships were something he valued, though maybe not expressed with abandon to multiple people. After the greeting, the letter began with this statement.
“One grew weaker and the other grew stronger.”
Cecil A. Weingard
A Story Explained
Within the letter was a story of a watch that my grandfather had given to his intended when she said yes. Over the years, the token of his love had weakened. A trip to the watchmaker and a new band was needed throughout those thirty years of marriage and then a replacement was necessary.
On the other hand, this gruff man of German descent, cherished the thought of how their relationship grew stronger in the midst of sorrow and sickness. Their love had not dimmed in spite of the trouble and heartache that they had faced. He rejoiced in the fact that their love did not need a replacement as did his token of love.
A Token of Love
In a similar vein is our relationship with our Heavenly Father. God cherishes the relationship he has with his creation. Jesus came as token of his love for us. A testament to the great love of the Father for mankind. However, we were the ones broken and in need of a touch from the Master. We were unable to become enough on our own. Sin-stained and without hope was who we were before Jesus came.

Jesus, our token of love came to this world to become one of us. Furthermore, Jesus came to be broken for us. He came to purchase healing and forgiveness for our souls, made possible through his death on the cross. Moreover, he extends this gift of love and forgiveness to each of us that will believe that He is enough.
As we step out into a relationship of faith and forgiveness with God, we begin a new life. A restored relationship with God has been granted us. It is a relationship that none of us deserve, yet we can boldly come before the throne of God through faith in Jesus.
It was 30 years of trouble and heartache; sorrow and sickness. All this and more, visited the relationship of my grandparents, yet through those problems and trials their love grew stronger. They still rejoiced in their relationship.
Life comes with problems and trials of various size that we will need to endure. This endurance will lead to a stronger hope in the One who loves us so dearly. A steadfast hope in the midst of the hard because of Jesus. Certainly Jesus is our strength. There must be a realization that we need more of Jesus and less of me. “He must increase, but I must decrease.” My Grandpa said it this way.
A Relationship Cherished
“The one grows weaker, the other grows stronger.”
Cecil A. Weingard
Make much of Jesus. It is only through Jesus that we can go on. In our weakness, He is made strong. His grace is sufficient in the daily trials of life. We are cherished by our Heavenly Father. Moreover, He rejoices over us and brings grace to help in our time of need.
“And He said unto me, ‘My grace is sufficient for thee: for my strength is made perfect in weakness.’ Therefore most gladly I will rather boast in my infirmities, that the power of God may rest upon me.”
2 Corinthians 12:9
It was an old letter discovered in a plethora of worthless odds and ends that provided me with a different glimpse of my stoic grandfather. Moreover, this discovery led me to a renewed sense of God’s great love for me. A love that will carry me through the hard days as I place my faith in the One who calls me Cherished.
Today, lean on Jesus. Certainly, know of the Father’s love for you. Jesus was sent as a token of God’s great love for you. Furthermore, realize that you are cherished by the Almighty God. Find His love and grace sufficient within the hard of your days. In your weakness, discover his strength.