Have you ever tried to understand or reason out the circumstances? Has there been a time when your discussions seem to be an endless circle of mental dissonance and incomprehension? Doubts fill our mind. Questions pile up and answers are not found. Our perception seems to be lacking and our intellect has let us down. Furthermore, our hearts have become distanced from the peace God has for us. We are slow to understand and comprehend the depths God wants us to reach. All these descriptions fit the one who is slow of heart.

Reason, Doubts and Confusion
The story recorded in Luke 24:13-36 brings conviction, as well as hope for those of us who are slow of heart. Cleopas and his friend, found themselves in a confused state of mind after that first Resurrection morning. They could not seem to grasp the implications behind the actual facts. These two men were on the road leading out of Jerusalem. They were headed to Emmaus. Their minds were in a state of whirling confusion, in spite of the fact that Jesus was alive. They knew all the facts. Had even heard first hand testimonies.
However, doubts, questions and despair still lingered around the perimeter of their hearts. The past days of emotional ups and downs had left them depleted. Their hope for the redemption of Israel had shattered when they watched Jesus die. And though the facts of the resurrection was shared with them, it had yet to reach their hearts.
The Story Shared
It was in this confusion of mind, that they found a Stranger traveling the dusty road with them. When they were asked by this Stranger, what it was they were discussing so intently, the story tumbled out.
For a moment, joy lit their hearts as they shared the miracles that Jesus had performed and how His teachings had changed their lives. Then sadness tinged their countenance as they related the circumstances of the past days. The mocking, the condemning verdict and the heart-rending crucifixion. These two followers of Jesus, shared with this One walking with them, their hopes, as well as their broken dreams. They also told of the good news they had heard from the women. The declaration that Jesus was alive. However, that good news hadn’t really reached their hearts.

Among the Slow of Heart
With a look of love, Jesus gently reprimands them for their slowness of hearts. After that, Jesus began talking and sharing the Scriptures with these men. They had not been able to reason out the answers to the questions that had mounted in their hearts and mind. The circumstances they had walked through had taken its toll.
Now they listened with eager attentiveness as Jesus talked. They neared the village and not wanting to stem the words from this One that brought sense to the circumstance surrounding them they urged Him to stay and eat with them.
Those three gathered around the table. Jesus picked up the bread. He blessed it, broke it and gave to them. Suddenly, with a jolt, their minds cleared and they knew Jesus. They knew that the facts they had heard, were indeed true. Subsequently, their doubts and questions were erased and their hearts were filled with unutterable joy. Then Jesus was gone.
Jesus Draws Near
He had drawn near. Jesus had walked with them. He had given answers to their mental wanderings. They spent time in His Presence. The doubts were dispelled and joy bubbled over.
With excitement, they traveled back to Jerusalem. They found the eleven disciples and recounted their thrilling encounter with Jesus. During the telling, Jesus appeared in the midst of them. Again, he quieted their fears and brought peace to their heart. Jesus drew near. He knew they needed assurance and that is what He gave.
We, too, have faced doubts and questions. Knowledge informs our heart of the resurrection of our Lord. On the other hand, the circumstances and dark situations we face dampen our belief in God’s power to work in our lives. Our reason is faulty. Consequently, we walk on in confusion. Dealing with questions that cannot be answered by our human reasoning. We are slow of heart. Slow to trust when we cannot see.
Replacing Doubts with Peace
However, Jesus does not turn away from us when our doubts and questions clamor. In fact, it is then that He longs to draw near and walk with us. He wants us to share our struggles, our problems and our questions. Jesus listens. He hears us as we pour out our heart to Him. Then we must be still. Hear His words of love and assurance. Search the Scriptures for God’s answer to our dilemmas. Find God’s perspective. Rest in His promises and trust that He is still working in the dark. In other words, replace your doubt’s with God’s peace.

Are you facing a time of doubt and confusion? Has your life been darkened by startling circumstances? Is your heart fearing tomorrow? Are you slow to believe? Spend time in His Presence. Pour it out to Jesus. He will draw near and walk with you. He beckons you to come. Come and find answers to your questions, peace for your heart and hope for tomorrow.
Jesus, draw near to us who are slow of heart. Remove our doubts and confusion. Fill our hearts with your peace. Help us to trust you more. Thank you that you are working even when we cannot see.