After the tumultuous experiences of the past two years we face this new year with some measure of trepidation. The year looms before us. Our fears have escalated. Normalcy is a treasured moment sandwiched between the irregularities of our day.
Someone Bigger than the Year
New Year’s day found me in a conversation with my family about goals and what we wanted to see accomplished in this coming year. I was one of those that had not had quiet moments to sit down and think about it. Consequently, my year lay before me as an empty slate with no definite plan in mind on how to begin my trek into 2022.
Overwhelmed was the word that came to mind as we delved into our discussion. I am just trying to hold my head above the swirling waters of life these days. As the first day of the new year came to a close and we launched into that first week of the year I was able to carve out a small space of solitude.
I scratched out a rough list of what I hoped to focus on in this coming year. Then it was pushed aside during the myriad of duties that flooded my life. On the other hand, the thought of a new year went with me and I realized as never before that though the year stretched out as a massive unknown there was Someone bigger than I in charge of this life. God knows the end from the beginning and he has the pen for all the words in between.
Shelter From the Overwhelm
We can be encouraged with the fact that there is Someone bigger than you and me and all the disproportionate stuff that we are facing. God walks with us in these irregular days. He has not and will not default on his promises. Above all, his Sovereignty has not abated. God’s got this. And He has us.
It’s okay to be overwhelmed at the magnitude of our problems. We are not made to walk this road alone. Let the overwhelm draw you to the Rock that is bigger than it all. Run to Jesus. He alone can make sense of it all.
Certainly, we must recognize that God is bigger than our fears. As we venture into unknown territory, be assured that Almighty God goes before. Moreover, He alone can exchange our overwhelm for peace and hope. The Psalmist was inundated with troubles. His cry resonates within us. Be assured, however, that David found the shelter he sought and the peace he longed for.
“…when my heart is overwhelmed: lead me to the rock that is higher than I.”
Psalm 61:2
New Morning Mercies
As our eyes look through the telescope of time we see the vast nature of the year that lies before us. On the other hand, this protracted view can be reduced down to months, weeks and days.
Within those days we find new morning mercies. Looking at the year with a birds eye view is helpful. However, as we face the daily battles of life it would do us well to remember that we will find fresh mercies waiting for us to appropriate. His faithfulness has not diminished. He walks with us. His mercy and grace are waiting for you to lay hold of today. God’s storehouses will not run out.
“It is of the Lord’s mercies that we are not consumed, because his compassions fail not. They are new every morning: great is thy faithfulness.”
Lamentations 3:22 & 23
If this year has caught you off guard and you are swimming in overwhelm turn to Jesus. Shelter in his arms. Rest in him. He has peace for you. God is bigger than your problems and bigger than your fears. Trust him.
To sum it up, at the beginning of this year, in the middle and at year’s end you will find that God is faithful. He has promised to be with us. And if God is with us (and He is) we have all that we need.