The spring-like day called me to participate in the joy of warmer weather. I answered the call between the chores of the day. As I chose a trail and began my trek through the woods, I breathed deep and inhaled the warmth of the day. I looked forward to glimpsing the still waters found in the ravine alongside the trail. The deep blue of the sky brought a smile to my lips despite the mantle of melancholy that cloaked my spirit.

Beauty in Contrasts
Life has a way of churning up the depths of your spirit and bringing to the top things you had not realized were hiding. The faithfulness of God is astounding. His unfailing love is amazing. Our timing is not God’s timing. He knows when we are ready to grow and face the hidden things in our spirit.
I paused on the ridge overlooking the creekbed. A space of still waters caught my attention. Then further down the stream the water was racing over the rocks with abandon. As I paused there my mind went to the difference between the two.
There is beauty in the still water. In fact, in Psalm 23 we find that our Shepherd leads us beside still waters. Waters that restore and refresh. On the other hand the rippling stream has an appeal that draws the heart to its sparkling movement as it shimmers in the bright sunlight.
The Living Water
However, I was reminded that still waters becomes stagnant when there is no incoming source. When the water level begins to drop and that pool of water becomes isolated from the running water, debris collects and sinks to the bottom. Left long enough decay sets in and a stench spews forth. It is only a storm of significant proportions that will stir up the debris and decay that will enable it to be moved onward and the still waters cleansed once again.
How often do we let the still waters of our soul become stagnant? Daily activities and the clamor of the world push us away from the Living Water. We go on, not realizing the debris that is collecting and the decay that is imminent unless we are replenished from the Source.
God in his mercy sends storms our way to help us to realize the offscourings of life that has settled in our soul. As situations engulf us we must turn our eyes back to the Source of our help. In so doing we will find He is ever faithful.
A Closer Look at Still Waters

As I sat on the outcropping of rock overlooking the stream that meandered through the woodland I thanked God for speaking. The still water and the moving, dancing current were both a component of the stream. There was beauty to find in these diverse elements.
The verse found in Psalm 46:10 has long been a favorite.
“Be still and know that I am God.”
Psalm 46:10
However, God brought to light a different angle. To be still is to cease from striving. Stop trying to make things happen your way. Be quiet and listen. Trust that he is God. Rest in knowing that He is still in charge. Though outward workings may not be evident, we can trust that God is working behind the scenes. He will not fail. Trust that God is God.
On the heels of this verse, I was reminded of another found in Nehemiah 8:10.
“…for the joy of the LORD is your strength.”
Nehemiah 8:10
At first glance it seems that these two verses have nothing in common. Somewhat like the stream that boasts the still water and running current. Two contrasting components found in one stream.
Bubbling Joy and Still Waters

When we cease striving and trust that God is God our faith become rooted in the Source of Joy. A joy that God gives to us now. Present tense. This joy becomes ours through Jesus. As we squash our doubts and bring into captivity the thoughts that cause our struggle we will find joy bubbling in our souls. Strength is given to us as we rest in God with cheerful trust. It is here in this trust that we find the restorative still waters our soul needs and the bubbling current of joy that renews and strengthens the heart.
When we worry and fret and try to figure out how to control our circumstances we are not trusting God. Where there is distrust, strivings, turmoil and chaos will be prevalent. It will lead to depletion of joy. If not dealt with the debris and decay will build up in our soul. A confident trust can be placed in our God through the storms of life.
In your weakness and in your storm, cease striving and let God be God. Let him remove the dross that has rendered your soul stagnant. God is faithful to conform you into his image as you live a surrendered yes. God can be trusted with your situation, no matter how hard. It is in these moments that you can find that trust in the Father will give you strength to go on. He wants to provide the ‘joy of the LORD’ that will support you in your weakness.
- Cease striving.
- Be still.
- Know and trust that God is God and is working in your situation.
- Let the joy of the Lord be your strength.