In the past months we have seen how fear can escalate and become an epidemic that will overrule common sense and undermine our peace. Fear and anxiety has soared to unprecedented heights in our world today. Left unchecked, the tentacles of fear will wrap itself around us and smother our faith in God.
When circumstances rush in unexpectedly that brings a fear that twists our stomach into knots we must not let it grow rampant. Left unresolved fear and worry will mount to an unreasonable level.
Battling Fear
The battles with fear have been more numerous of late, yet God remains faithful. We must remind ourselves of the infinite God that we serve. I’ve been there and felt the fear and worry escalate. I must admit that when fear bursts into my life, my first instinct is to run and hide. Then God whispers,
“My child, I’m still here. I am with you. You do not walk this path alone.”
When this happens, I have a choice. I can continue to let the fear define my life or with a definitive act of the will turn towards God’s voice of truth. In other words, I must keep showing up and facing life with my hand in God’s despite the fears that may lurk in the shadows of the unknown.
A steady diet of fearful incidents will deplete our peace. Consequently, we must continually fill our minds with the truths of God. Turning from our fear and seeking His face will make all the difference. The God who calmed the billowing waves, can calm the roiling of fear that invades our life. He is still Master of the Storms.
I sought the Lord, and he delivered me from all my fears. They looked unto him, and were lightened: and their faces were not ashamed.
Psalm 34:4-5
We can try to battle our fears in our own strength, but it will come to naught. On the other hand as we seek the Lord, our God stands ready to bring deliverance from all our fears.
Crippling Fear Meets a Sufficient God
Throughout the Bible, incident after incident finds people coming to God with a fear that cripples their faith. As they seek God’s face each one finds that God is sufficient. He speaks again and again,
Fear not, I am with you.
When Joshua’s fears grew mountain high as he stood in the shadow of Jericho’s tremendous walls, Jesus came near and said,
“Have not I commanded thee? Be strong and of a good courage; be not afraid, neither be thou dismayed: for the Lord thy God is with thee withersoever thou goest.”
Joshua 1:9
Yes, the warrior Joshua faced fears in his life! God showed up and reminded Joshua of whose he was. Kicking fear in the teeth, Joshua moved forward drawing courage from His God and the great walls of Jericho collapsed.
Another incident in Joshua’s life was when he faced the defeat of Ai because of sin in the camp. After the sin was dealt with, a fear still seemed to hold Joshua in a state of inertia. Once again God spoke to Joshua in 8:1.
It was a command to fear not. To move forward. A command that required a choice to place the situation in God’s hand and take action once again. Joshua had to choose to let go of his fear and replace it with an unshakable faith in the Almighty God.
Gideon faced fears as well. You know the story. He was hiding because of the fear that gripped him. He had added up the circumstances and came up with an answer of less than. Yet God showed up and changed the equation. Gideon found courage to overcome and conquer the enemy when he brought his fears to God again and again. His need for reassurance was not met by an unresponsive God but by a God that showed up with just what Gideon personally needed. God will do the same for you.
Similarly, if it takes us coming again and again to God to rid the crippling fear from our lives then so be it. God does not tire of our oft comings. He knows what we need and will be faithful to answer in a way that will help us to overcome and conquer the enemy.
We can not talk of fear and fail to mention the storm the disciples found themselves in. They were fearful, though the Master was in the boat with them. How many times have we become fearful with the circumstances we find ourselves in, even when we know of God’s promises to always be with us? It takes a continual reminder of God’s infinite power to keep our mind stayed on the Master. He alone is able to alter our circumstances and calm our fears.
Staying in Tune with God’s Spirit
We must remind ourselves that though the future is uncertain God will not leave us to face it alone. There will never be a moment when God’s grace will not be available for us. We can face whatever life may bring when we keep our eyes on the Author and Finisher of our faith.
I have not yet attained to a life lived without fear or worry. But as I continually keep in tune with the Spirit’s whispers, I find peace that overshadows the fear-filled world we find ourselves living in. I come again and again to the place of the holy and find that God is sufficient.
Jesus, You know the fear that wells up inside us and the worry that chafes at our hearts. We can’t fight this battle with fear on our own. We need you to be our Conqueror and our Deliverer. Help us to place our situations into your hands with a trust that knows you can alter our circumstances. Come and speak peace into our lives. Draw up close and remind each one of us that you bring new mercy and grace for every situation. Lift the fear and help us to rest in You. Thank you for working in our lives and being our All-Sufficient God.