When disconnect happens our world becomes off-kilter. Daily, we are faced with various irritations which are a result of disconnections. Cell phone disconnection, severed electric lines, disconnected computers, and detached battery cables all cause angst and frustration. These type of severings are normally an easy fix.
On the other hand, there are detachments that run deep in the lives of a nation, a family or an individual. As a result, these types of dis-joining can cause a rift that only time will know the extent, unless the root of the disconnection is addressed.
The Connection Between Past and Present
We see this disconnection displayed in our nation as various people call for removing of the statues of yesteryear. Furthermore, they are wanting to disconnect the present from the hard won reality of the past. The monuments stand as a reminder of our freedoms that men have fought and died for. Lessons of honor and integrity are learned as we recall the history that each of these statues memorialize.
Yet, a great populace of today is wont to detach themselves from the history of how our nation was forged. As a result, this heart rending dissociation has created a divide that threatens to bring about a greater disconnect in the lives of Americans today.
The Need for Emotional Connection
As we turn our gaze to a smaller scale, we see a disconnect portrayed in families, as well as individuals. This disconnect is shown in many and varied ways. Words may have been spoken that sever a relationship. A misunderstanding of personalities between family members can bring about isolation. Moreover, unforgiveness may be harbored and relationships terminated.
The emotional disunion with a loved one will cause much turmoil because we each were born with a need for emotional connection. Consequently, when emotional disconnect happens within a family unit a sense of loss and disorientation is created.
If the problem is not addressed, the emotional unrest beneath the surface will become a spinning mass of chaos. As a result of unaddressed issues, a disengagement is created that brings about multiplied frustration and hurts. In addition, these types of hurts can become lifelong barricades to the connection God means for us to have within our relationships. GraceStory Ministries was founded when this growing need for re-connection became glaringly evident in our world.
I applaud GraceStory Ministries as they seek to bring hope to hurting individuals and families in today’s world. Within the framework of their ministry, emotional turmoil is recognized and direction is given for the healing process that needs to take place.
This ministry seeks to connect people with education, resources, and community that equip them for the journey of restoration. Check out their website at gracestoryministries.com
Mental Disconnect brings Heartbreak
A further association that many people deal with in regards to disconnect is in the mental health arena. Our family has faced the reality of the debilitating effects of a stroke. The lack of mental awareness and the deficiency in cognitive thinking are only a couple of impairments that have to be addressed.
This disconnect that happens in the brain, can cause heartbreaking scenarios. There are various studies underway that seek to understand the neuroscience behind the cognitive impairment that results. In the meantime, many family members deal with the heartbreak of seeing their loved one live within the shadow-land of disengagement.
Spiritual Disconnect and Eternity
Delving deeper than the body and the mind, we find another type of disconnection. We all are born with a disconnect. When sin entered into the world through Adam, mankind’s relationship with God was severed. Certainly, there was nothing that man could do to solve this dissolution of the soul. Sin had brought about an eternal separation from God.
Knowing this reality, God, Himself, provided a connection. Jesus became our Mediator. He stands between a sin-stained world and a Holy God. Moreover, through the sacrifice He made on Calvary, Jesus restores man’s relationship with God. A gift of connection is provided for whoever is willing to accept it.
As the weight of eternity settles around us, we understand the consequences of living without a connection with God. However, that weight is a gift that brings us to the onset of a vital and eternal relationship.
Re-Connecting Through Soul Work
Jesus stands with open arms beckoning us to come and be re-connected to the Father. When we realize the extent of our own disconnect between ourselves and our Creator, we must determine to do soul work.
As the soul disconnect is remedied, we will find that connection with God enables us to live above sin. Our relationship with our Heavenly Father will become paramount. Consequently, we will become a connecting source of God’s love to the hurting.
Through further study of the Scriptures, we find that Jesus shares with us an image of our relationship with Him. A branch, the True Vine and the Gardner is the picture found in John, chapter 15. It is only as we, the branches are connected to the True Vine that fruit will be produced. God, the Master Gardener, does the pruning work on each of us. Moreover, He knows the cutting that needs to happen that will deepen our connection with the Vine.
Jesus reminds us to abide, to stay, to be connected to Him if we would be a growing Christian. Most importantly, it is through that connection with Jesus that we are attached to the Father. We were created for this spiritual attachment.
The longing we all possess for connection can be fulfilled in a relationship with the Heavenly Father.
This compelling need urges us onward. Certainly, a personal encounter with the Almighty is of utmost import. Subsequently, our abiding in Christ is the means for deepening our relationship with the Triune God.
Re-Connecting our Relationship
God extends an everlasting love to each of us. In this life, we have the ability to return that love by accepting the gift of connection through Jesus. As our relationship with God grows, we find that He is that secure and safe place that we need. In addition, we can run to Him when our world is off-kilter and disconnected. In each instance, we will find Him to be enough.
To sum it up, we face various types of disconnection daily. On the other hand, it is only in the re-connection of our relationship with God that our soul can find its home. The connection we find with God will be the haven we need to process the hurts that we deal with on a day-to-day basis.