Fragments do not not mean it is over with God. Brokenness is not the end of our story. At times we find ourselves holding only bits and pieces of once robust dreams. Furthermore, we find ourselves walking through shattered hopes and wondering how it all went wrong. Hurts run deep and tears fall. Our feelings tell us we are not enough. Nevertheless, it is not time to give up.
Brokenness Redeemed
I am reminded of Esther. The well-known queen of Persia who saved her people from certain death. She too, was acquainted with a fragmented life. Esther was born in an exiled land. Moreover when just a child, her parents died leaving her brokenhearted. Mordecai, Esther’s cousin, adopted her and raised her as his own.
As a young girl, I am sure she had dreams of her own. But all that changed the day the king decided he needed to pick a new queen. Soldiers were sent out to gather the best and prettiest girls in the land. They weren’t given a choice. The choice had been made for them. Dreams crashed around her as Esther was taken into custody by the king’s soldiers and herded to the king’s harem.
Though no mention of God is seen in the storyline of Esther, we see His footsteps among the shattered portions of Esther’s life. We know how the story turned out, but as Esther walked through the pages of her life she had no idea what was ahead. She faced a life filled with fears, hurts, brokenness and turmoil. Esther had to trust her way through.
Esther kept on trusting that her story was ordered by the Sovereign God. She was brought to just such a place, “for such a time as this” Esther 4:14. Certainly God did not break that trust. In fact, He used Esther to secure life for the Jewish nation. When death was certain, God had a plan. A plan involving a little girl born in exile and orphaned at a young age. Here we see events that brought heartache yet in the end were used of God to make up the difference.
Wounds Mended
There are times in our life that we cannot see our way ahead. No visible path for our feet to walk, yet we must tread on. We may feel our “not enoughness” but with Him the equation changes. Our brokenness can be mended. Wounds can be healed.
The fragments of our dreams may lay shattered around us but we must remember fragments become enough when Jesus is there. ‘Not enough’ can change to ‘He is enough’ in every situation, just as it did in Esther’s situation. The Sovereign God still orders our stories when we place the pen in his hand. When you are faced with brokenness in your life, remember that God wants to guide you into a mending place.
As a Christian, in those times of facing the unknown, we must take God at his Word. Our fragmented emotions and the brokenness of our life may say otherwise. Yet our wholeness or lack thereof, does not govern the strength of God’s Word.
Promises Claimed
We must recognize the truth in the promises of God. As a child of God, we can claim them as our own.
“I will instruct thee and teach thee in the way that thou shalt go; I will guide thee with mine eye.”
Psalm 32:8
When we cannot see the way ahead, we must trust the guiding hand of God. He knows the way. Furthermore, a promise of God’s presence is not any less trustworthy when we cannot feel His presence.
“Be strong and of good courage; be not afraid, neither be thou dismayed; for the Lord thy God is with thee withersoever thou goest.”
Joshua 1:9
This promise was first given to Joshua as he faced the unknown enemy of Canaan. He wasn’t feeling up to the task, but God stepped in. Joshua found this to be a promise He could trust even when faced with insurmountable odds.
The accounts and narratives of the Bible are full of truths for us to learn from. Again and again various biblical characters faced hardships, but God always came through. We too will face times of testing and turmoil. During these times go back to the trusted Word for hope in your situation.
“For whatsoever things were written aforetime were written for our learning, that we through patience and comfort of the scriptures might have hope.”
Romans 15:4
Brokenness Mended
In this world, we will face hardship. There will be times when life brings despair. Heartaches will come and wounds will deepen, but with God we can walk on. His strength will carry us forward. We can trust our story to be ordered by the Sovereign God.
If God orders our world, then we are here “for such a time as this.” Let God use your story as He sees fit. When you are faced with being “not enough” determine to be an ‘Esther’ in your corner of the world and trust the circumstance to the One who is Enough. When brokenness has surrounded you, seek out the mending of the Great Physician. In your time of desperation God will bring restoration.
“Now the God of hope fill you with all joy and peace in believing, that ye may abound in hope through the power of the Holy Ghost.”
Romans 15:13