Have you ever experienced anguish from a misguided belief or felt gut-wrenching sorrow from a confidence that was misplaced. The regret that comes from a certainty that goes awry can be devastating. Whether it is a relationship, a business deal or a personal matter that is upended, skepticism and anxiety can result.
This kind of disappointment can bring about a distrust that colors life. On the other hand, there is One who never disappoints. It is with confidence, that we can place our life and all its situations into the hands of God.
Anxiety Confronted and a Choice Made
The psalmist, David, found that God was stable in spite of the myriad of trials that he faced. Whether it was encountering giants, dodging javelins, hiding from certain death or facing the heart-rending betrayal by his son, David’s confidence was placed squarely in the hands of God Almighty.
In Psalm 57 David shares with us the anxiety and distress he was confronted with through word pictures. Yet within the overwhelming circumstances he faced, David turned his eyes to the God of heaven. Moreover, it was with a definitive choice that David chose to place his confidence in God, despite the details that were crushing him.
“My heart is fixed, O God, my heart is fixed: I will sing and give praise.”
Psalm 57:7
Again in Psalm 108:1 David reiterates this same choice. His heart was confident in God. David had firmly established his heart. That is to say, David was fastened securely to his God. Throughout the psalms, David reminds himself again and again of the unfailing love and faithfulness of God. Moreover, he chose to fix his eyes on God. With that choice he was able to live securely, despite his crumbling circumstances.
God’s Character Defined
David gives us a reminder in Psalm 103:7 of what God did for Moses and the children of Israel.
“He made known his ways unto Moses, his acts unto the children of Israel. The Lord is merciful and gracious, slow to anger, and plenteous in mercy.”
Psalm 103:7-8
God revealed his character to Moses. As Moses seeks God’s face he asks to be able to see God’s glory. You know the story of how God placed Moses in the cleft of a rock and passed by. Then with startling clarity God proclaimed who he was.
“The LORD, The LORD God, merciful and gracious, longsuffering, and abundant in goodness and truth.”
Exodus 34:6
The knowledge of God’s character brought a deeper confidence to Moses’ relationship with God. Similarly, when we perceive God’s character and recognize who God is, we can live confidently. Regardless of our emotions we can choose to confidently place our situation in God’s hands. This is a security that we can rest in. Security is not found in friendships or high paying jobs. Neither is it found in a healthy economy or a great leader of the county. True security is found in God alone.
When we make the choice to firmly fix our confidence in God, we will find security. No matter what we face or the emotions that roil, we can direct our heart, mind and soul back to that definitive choice of confidence in God. He alone is our security. Our soul can be anchored in God. When we recognize the steadfast character of God, we can rest secure in his love.
Emotional Anxiety and Spiritual Confidence
Humanly speaking we can experience anxiety from varied situations. It may be an anxiety that creeps up when we are around others whom we consider ‘a step above us’ or it may be a disquiet that surrounds us when we are alone. There are numerous situations that may create anxiety because of a specific situation in our lives. These conditions do not necessarily define our spiritual confidence. We live in a fallen world and will encounter adverse affects in our emotions, as well as sickness in our physical bodies.
It is within the context of our individual places that God gives to us personal grace. Whether or not we struggle with lack of confidence in various environments, we can still find security of soul in God. When we recognize God for who He is our soul can rest. His steadfast love gives us a certainty that we can lean into when faced with the tribulations of this life. God’s mercies are not depleted by the middle of the day, nor is his grace exhausted when we face overwhelming trials.
When faced with anxiety and emotional upheaval take steps to find security in your relationship with God by recalling the truths found in His Word. In those times of disquiet and sorrow seek the stability that comes from God alone.
- Choose to anchor your soul in God.
- Recognize God’s character.
- Realize that God is for you.
- Rest securely in God’s steadfast love.
- Accept God’s daily grace and mercies.
- Praise God for his blessings.