Action words are filled with vibrancy and meaning. When you see something acted out it touches a deeper chord than merely hearing it. There is a word in the Old Testament that encapsulates the active love God has for his people. In other words, it is like an ever running stream.

God’s Love in Action
The Hebrew word is checed or hesed. It is a word that is packed full of meaning and action to show the vastness of God’s love.
The word hesed has been translated mercy, kindness, lovingkindness and goodness. It is a love that is enduring, stedfast and unmoveable. This hesed love is an action word that continues on even when undeserved. It’s a faithfulness that brings security. It is loyalty unwarranted and a love unfailing.
In the incident with Moses wanting to see God, God declared who he was and then proceeded to highlight this abundant hesed.
“And the LORD passed by before him and proclaimed , The LORD, The LORD God, merciful and gracious, longsuffering, and abundant in goodness [hesed] and truth,”
Exodus 34:6
In Isaiah 54:10 we read of how the mountains and hills will depart but God’s unfailing and steadfast love will not depart.
Jacob’s Journey
In the face of our faults and failures God’s steadfast love is unmovable. It is a never giving up–always running after me kind of love. Jacob found this to be true in his journey of life.
Jacob’s beginning was marked with grasping and continued on from there. Furthermore, deceit and lies became a part of who he was. Fear drove him from his home. Yet, God’s love in action came to him as he cradled his head upon a stone. Through the rocky places in his marriage, the bickering of his family and the deceit of Laban God’s love never gave up on Jacob. His goodness and mercy followed Jacob through the hard times. When God spoke to him and told him to return home, Jacob chose to obey.

However, his trip was not without hardship. Laban pursued him in anger. Yet God worked on Laban’s heart and healing began.
In addition, distress filled Jacobs heart when he heard of what sounded like a raid. What else could it be when word came that Esau was headed his way with four hundred men? As Jacob poured out his fear-filled heart to God we find Jacob acknowledging the mercies that God had given him down throughout the years despite his present predicament.
“I am not worthy of the least of all the mercies, [hesed] and of all the truth, which thou hast shewed unto thy servant.”
Genesis 32:10
Down throughout the rest of Jacob’s life God’s love was showcased through his actions toward Jacob. God was with him in his grief. Through the famine God provided. Moreover, He walked with Jacob down into Egypt.
Enduring Hesed
As you let the breadth of God’s hesed love envelop you, you realize the depth of his love for you. His love is not given to us based on how we act or feel. Nor is it given because we deserve it or earned it.
Dear friend, God’s love for you is a never giving up–always running after you kind of love. Grasp hold of this truth and let God ‘s love seep into the crevices of your soul and fill in the insecurities that threaten to engulf you. No matter what you feel or what you are facing God’s love is there acting on your behalf, bringing goodness into your life. He will not abandon you. His mercy endures forever.
A Challenge to Action
I challenge you to read Psalm 136. It talks of God’s hesed love which is translated mercy. Why do we give thanks and worship Him? What reason does God intervene in the affairs of men? Why does he remember us when we are at our lowest? It is because he is always acting on our behalf. His love is steadfast and true. Furthermore, God continues to showcase his unfailing, undeserved love in our lives.
Worship and praise God for who He is and what He does. He is committed to you through the highs and lows of your life. Through the faults and failures we will find that God’s love remains steadfast. It persists through the betrayal and brokenness until healing happens. God’s love for you is an action word portrayed in brilliant hues in everyday life. It’s a never giving up–always coming after you kind of love. Look for and recognize the active and unfailing love of God for you in your own life. God’s actions speak volumes about his love for you.