Have you ever been blindsided by a storm in your life? Has there been a time when you experienced smooth sailing, so to speak, and then without warning you are thrown in the middle of breaking waves and dark clouds?

The Calm Before the Storm
The disciples experienced such an unexpected storm. In fact, they had been with Jesus as he taught parables to the crowds upon the shore. Moreover, they experienced time alone with Jesus when they brought their questions to Him and Jesus brought clarity to their puzzled thoughts. (Mark 4:10)
It had been a good day. A really good day. Now the evening dim had brought a quiet hush over the lake as they pushed off from shore and set sail to the other side. As the disciples worked the sails and performed various tasks, Jesus fell asleep as the sunset colors faded into the evening shadows. The quiet lap of water hitting the hull completed the peaceful setting.
The Storm’s Rising
Abruptly the peace was shattered as a storm swooped down upon them with fury. No longer was it the quiet lapping of a peaceful lake. It was now dashing waves that swept into the boat. With practiced speed these seasoned fisherman began to bail out the raging water that rapidly began to fill the boat.
Forgotten was the good day and the questions that Jesus answered that filled their heart with such understanding. It was now do or die. And in the chaos of the storm they thought they were dying, in spite of their doing.
While the disciples are frantically trying to keep the craft from sinking, Jesus is asleep with complete trust in his Father’s care. Not so with the disciples. In fact, they are losing the battle with the violent weather and become panic stricken. Out of the corner of their eye they catch a glimpse of Jesus sleeping.
When Faith Falters
Their ire rises. Moreover, in the furor of the moment, all they could see was that Jesus did not care enough about them to wake and help. Their desperate shouts of blame and fear in Jesus direction vie with the noise of the storm. As Jesus woke and took in the chaos of the scene, He spoke to the tempestuous waves.
“Peace, be still.”
Mark 4:39
As the wind and waves ceased and calm once again reigned on the Sea of Galilee, Jesus soft words reached the ears and hearts of the disciples.
“Why are ye so fearful? How is it that ye have no faith?
Mark 4:40
When the storms of life come raging in and we fear the capsizing of our craft, pause in the storm and call out to Jesus. He is there. There may be times when it feels that Jesus doesn’t care. Or maybe it feels like Jesus has fallen asleep and we know most decidedly that we will drown.

In these situations we must remember that this spiritual journey is a walk of faith and not feeling. Furthermore, our feelings are not a barometer for our life with Christ. We are always in our Father’s care whether we are walking on a peaceful shore or facing a raging storm.
Reactions to the Storm
Jesus faced the same storm as the disciples, yet his reaction to the storm was totally different. The difference is found in the fact that Jesus’ trust in his Father’s care was absolute. It didn’t matter if a violent storm raged or if calm breezes blew, Jesus confidence was fixed. To which reaction do you typically resort? Frantic worrying or calm trust?
Have you been blindsided by painful circumstances? Are you trying to fight the storm with your own frail abilities? Remember, that you have a choice to trust, even in the middle of the storm.
Our Father can be trusted. Faith can become a bulwark against the uproar of life. Listen for the words of Jesus as He brings peace to your soul.
As the fury of the gale lessens, tend your heart. Ask yourself these questions:
- “Why is my heart fearful?
- Have I placed my confidence in my own ability to manage life?
- Why is my faith so limited?
- Am I trusting God, even when I cannot see?
Jesus, Probe our hearts. Give us understanding, till we too, can trust our Father’s care in spite of the tempest that may be raging around us. Be with the one who is struggling right now. Their feelings may be telling them that no one cares. Slip up beside them and remind them of your care. Help them to feel your Presence as they choose to trust in spite of the storm.