Know is a word that means recognition; to acknowledge; be aware of; and to acquaint with. As well as other varied facets of meaning. When we “know” something it becomes reality to us.
God had acquainted the Israelite’s with Himself, through a voice from heaven, by thunderings and fire upon the mount and by myriads of miracles.
In Deuteronomy 4:36 we read these words:
“Unto thee it was shewed, that thou mightest know that the Lord He is God; there is none else.”
Deuteronomy 4:36
Again the word “know” is used in verse 39. “Know therefore this day, and consider it in thine heart, that the Lord he is God in heaven above, and upon the earth beneath: there is none else.”
That We Might Know
The God of Heaven had come down to meet with the Israelite’s and help them to know who He was. As they obtained knowledge of God they were to consider it, meditate on it and forge it into the innermost sinews of their soul. As a result of that knowledge, God could become a reality in their life.
![to know becomes reality](
Likewise, the Word of God was given to us that we too might know the reality of an Almighty God. A God interested in communion with His creation. He longs for each of us to make that choice to love and serve Him.
More importantly, we must take our knowledge of who He is and let it absorb into the very recesses of our soul. That is to say, His world and who He is becomes the reality we live for.
When Knowledge Becomes Reality
There is a reality of a world we cannot see with our physical eyes. There is a reality of the existence of God. The knowing that He is the one true God and no one else. In this life, we must live in the knowledge of who God is and how He wants us to live. Nothing of this world must push out the importance and reality of the world that we cannot see with our physical eyes. It is not an easy task. The enemy seeks to lull us into thinking that the here and now is what we must live for.
God sets before us a life to be lived for Him. A life characterized by walking in His way, doing what He asks and trusting that He knows best. The journey in this life will sometimes take us through tunnels of darkness and distress. Tunnels of darkness will be different for each one. It may be financial despair for one. On the other hand a tragic loss or a debilitating disease can lead another through tunnels of darkness.
Meanwhile, we must hold on to the reality of a God who cares and has all power ready to help us. Most importantly, when we are in the dark tunnels of life, we must hold fast to what we know.
In other words we must cling to the knowledge of the reality of a God that has met with us before. In addition to that, we can hold fast the knowledge of a God who has sacrificed His Son for our redemption. Moreover, He is a God whom we have known and felt and a God whom we have seen with our spiritual eyes. Though darkness surrounds we must hold onto the reality of what we know to be true.
Knowledge Applied
I had never known the Chronicles of Narnia while growing up. However, they became one of my son’s favorite series in his teenage years. I distinctly remember the time my son was doing dishes and listening to the Chronicles of Narnia by C.S. Lewis. While I was working there in the kitchen, I too was taken in mind to the land of Narnia. A place brimming with lessons of knowledge and a reality that can be applied to our spiritual life.
Jill and Eustace had been sent on a mission by Aslan. Along the way, they became acquainted with a creature called a Marshwiggle, whose name was Puddleglum. He had lived all his life in Narnia. As the three continued their journey it led them down into tunnels and caves underground.
Holding on To What We Know
It was in the underground labyrinth of tunnels that they faced the queen of the underworld. She tried to convince them that life in Narnia was just a dream. That the dark caverns in which they were in at that moment was all there was. The queen was making great progress in making them forget about Aslan and the land of Narnia.
Suddenly, Puddleglum, fighting against the stupor the queen had brought upon them says with much effort, ” I know…I was there…I’ve seen the sky, the grass and the birds. I’ve seen the sun coming up and I have seen Him in midday where for brightness I could not look on Him. Nothing can convince me otherwise. I have seen Him.” At that pronouncement Jill and Eustace were aroused from their stupor enough to agree with him and began to speak of Aslan again.
The queen, not wanting to lose these creatures, tried all the more to convince them that this world in the tunnels of darkness was all that there was. Another lie she told them was that they could become great ones if only they would listen to her.
Meanwhile, Jill, Eustace and Puddleglum by and by, began to slip into a stupor. All seems to be lost, when one more time Puddleglum speaks up, fighting against the stupor. “Suppose we have only dreamed up all of it…all I can say is that the made up world is far better than this one of yours….I’m on Aslan’s side even if there is not any Aslan to lead. I’m going to live like a Narnian even if there isn’t any Narnia.” After that, they were able to overcome the stupor and get out of the caverns of darkness.
Similarly, the devil uses our trials and what we call “realities of life” to make us think that God and His promises are only a dream. He does his best to keep us in the stupor of despair. We become lost in the tunnels of darkness. In addition, the devil will do all he can to keep our minds so occupied with our situations and problems that we tend to forget God. He wants us to forget the God whom we serve will work all things for our good. Subsequently, in the forgetting we let go of our knowledge of God’s reality.
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Though we cannot see His plan, we can still trust that God is good. We must hang on to what we know. Each of us must have the reality of God in our heart and soul. The knowledge that He is God in heaven above and in the earth beneath must be the underpinnings of our soul.
In conclusion, when we know God, the focus of life’s reality changes to one of eternal reality. When walking through life’s tunnels of darkness, we individually must determine to follow God even when we can’t see Him for the darkness. We need to remind our heart of the truths that we know. Standing on the bedrock of His promises will lead us out the lies the devil would have us to believe.
In other words, when we have made God and His Word the foundation of our reality we can determine to live like Christ, even when His world seems only a dream.