Good visibility and a heavy fog do not coexist. Details, clarity and distance are not a part of our vision in a fog. A step can be taken only when we concentrate on the next step, as opposed to trying to see through the impenetrable fog. Accidents are prone to happen when there is a high density of fog that has crept over the landscape. Fog, which is a natural weather condition, can disrupt schedules, cause delays and bring uncertainty.
These past days and weeks, it seems we have been enveloped in a heavy fog of uncertainty. Low visibility has crept over the landscape of our lives. Clarity is hard to come by and a pall seems to have wrapped itself around the future.
Forward Progress
I am reminded of a morning I woke to silence and the river swathed in a thick fog. The fog horn bellowed through the early morning hours dissipating the silent pall that hovered over the landscape. The way forward could not be seen. Details that were known, could not be perceived with physical sight.
On the other hand, the captain of the barge had traveled this river numerous times before. He knew the way forward. Long blasts from the horn, preceded his entrance into the fog without clarity or vision. He made his forward moving decisions based on what he knew to be true before visibility was reduced to zero. Consequently, he was able to make it through the fog.
Uncertain Times
Ruth, faced such a time as this in her life. It was in Moab that her story began. Moab was known for its idolatry. Consequently, Ruth may not have known Yahweh. However, God used uncertain times to bring Naomi and Elimelech to Moab.
After Elimelech died, Ruth married Naomi’s son Mahlon. Ten years she shared life with Naomi and her son. Days and weeks turned into months and years. Time that Ruth chose to learn of Yahweh. Meanwhile, God became her anchor point. And then the fog rolled in.
In other words, her life was upended by the death of her husband and the upcoming move of her mother-in-law back to Judah. What was Ruth to do? She could not see her way forward. The steps were not outlined in black and white.
However, Ruth chose to move forward because she knew the Shepherd and Guide of her soul. In that well known passage in Ruth 1:16, Ruth declared for all to hear that she would serve God no matter where He led her. She wanted God to be her God. She had found Him to be faithful in the clarity of the past. Consequently, she chose to trust Him when her view of the future was shrouded with grief and uncertainty.
After Ruth and Naomi’s move back to Bethlehem, Ruth’s life became a declaration of trust in the God who led her day by day. It was daily, she went out and gathered barley. Day by day, she cared for Naomi. In these simple everyday acts, others could see that she had chosen to take refuge in the Lord God. Through the fog of uncertainty, God led her step by step. When the fog lifted, she found that God had led her through to a brighter day.
Uncertainty and Daily Moments
In our uncertainty, remember that God is certain. In the daily moments, when our visibility has failed, God’s vision remains untarnished. Consequently, we can place the day to day moments in our Father’s hands. It is our daily bread that is promised. It is in the trusting for our daily bread that our peace and joy are assured.
I am reminded of a quote by C.S. Lewis that seems applicable in the uncertain times that we live in.
“Never, in peace or war, commit your virtue or your happiness to the future. Happy work is best done by the man who takes his long-term plans somewhat lightly and works from moment to moment “as to the Lord.” It is only our daily bread that we are encouraged to ask for. The present is the only time in which any duty can be done or any grace received.”
C. S. Lewis
As we cook the meals, do the laundry, calm the fears of our children, and keep the rhythm of our family going; let us do it with a prayer of trust in our hearts. Rejoice, that God is present now and trust in His leading step by step.
With renewed hope, let’s keep on loving and caring in our daily lives. We may not be able to ascertain the future, but with God we can face each day with certainty. Likewise, the future may be unrecognizable to us, yet we recognize that God knows the future.
Certainty in the Midst of Uncertainty
It is incredible to watch the sun rise and burn off the fog. Details that were unseen just moments ago, begin to become clear. Subsequently, the specifics of the terrain come into view with amazing focus.
Similarly, the Son will lift the fog and bring us through to a brighter tomorrow as we live and work moment by moment. Let us like Ruth, take refuge under the wings of the Almighty day after day.
To sum it up, it is in the daily trusting that we will find the certainty of God’s promises to be true. The fog of uncertainty can be pushed back through the grace of the daily moments.