We search for the perfect gift for our loved one. Careful thought goes into the choosing. Beautifully wrapped presents find their way under the tree. We look forward to the happy smile that will spread across the face of our loved one as they open that perfect gift.

In this Christmas season and beyond, there is a God that has prepared the perfect gift. A present in this present moment. A God that gave all to save us from ourselves and the sin that plagues our world. He is the perfect gift that we can unwrap even 2000 years later.
Given With Love
God Himself, split the darkness of earth’s degradation to come down to this dark world. He came with the ringing message found in the names of Jesus and Emmanuel.
“Thou shalt call his name JESUS: for He shall save his people from their sins….and they shall call his name Emmanuel, which being interpreted is God with us.”
Matthew 1:21

Jesus comes as our Savior. To save us from the sins that line the hallways of time since the world began. These all are sins without a remedy. Sins that we cannot remove nor get away from. Knowing there was nothing we could do to save ourselves Jesus came as a Savior for all the world. He came as Mighty God and fragile baby. A gift given out of the deep love of God the Father for doomed humanity. It was a gift of God’s own choosing. A present for the world. Moreover, this gift of a Savior is still wrapping hearts in forgiveness.
Not only does God give us the gift of the Savior who erases the sins of the past, but Jesus is also the gift for the present.
The Gift that is Perfect for You
It was no mistake, that the angel announced to Joseph that the baby was to be named Jesus, but He was also to be called Emmanuel, which means ‘God with us.’ God had told his people about Emmanuel generations ago. The promise was made in the midst of war and chaos. There was national upheaval and espionage surrounding Judah and Israel. In the middle of the mess, Isaiah boldly proclaimed the promise of the One that was to come, bearing the very Presence of God.

God with us! Could that really be true? I am sure that through the years of silence and darkness, the people questioned if God was truly with them. Yet in this small child was wrapped a legacy of Presence that is still being offered to us today. A perfect gift for you and me.
When Jesus returned to the glories of heaven, He left with us the Comforter. One who abides with us forever. He is the perfect present for each one of us. The Comforter dwells with us. Furthermore, He is the very Presence of God abiding with us. The Holy Spirit is not a substitute for the original. He is God with us! God, who gave himself through the gift of His Son and the gift of the Holy Spirit is still with us.
The Gift for All our Days
We can move forward in the worst of times because God is with us. When Satan’s darts come thick and fast, God is with us. There are steep mountains to climb and valleys to cross, yet God is with us. Heartaches and disappointments do not erase the fact that God is with us!
God is Emmanuel for all our days whether they be good or ill. He is the gift that keeps on giving. Have you unwrapped this perfect gift? Has your heart been wrapped with the forgiveness of the Savior? Are you experiencing the gift of Emmanuel–God with us?