The Pinterest projects we started with such excitement have been pushed aside. Our plans for the day have been derailed and our long-held dreams lay forgotten as we face the realities of life. Furthermore, the unexpected phone call, the colicky baby, the wounding words, and the interrupted night’s sleep all batter us in quick succession.

It’s not just the project that is left undone, but we ourselves are undone by our perceived failures. We scroll through Facebook and glimpse the ‘perfect’ lives of others and our feeling of inadequacy mount. As a result, the measuring stick of comparison that we have shackled ourselves with shouts ‘not enough.’
Not Forgotten
If you find yourself in this space, change your residence. Intentionally dismantle the dwelling of doubt and abide in God’s promises. You are known and you are loved by the God of heaven. Be assured that God has not let you slip through the cracks of his care. He has cracked the expanse of heaven to come down to inhabit your life. (2 Corinthians 6:16)
In the milling masses, you are not forgotten. He knows you by name. (Isaiah 43:1) Your success is not determined by finished projects or Facebook perfection. Success is determined in the turning. Turn away from misconstrued truths and turn toward God’s truth. Turning to God when we are faced with our failures and foibles is what determines our victory. In other words, grasp the reality of who God is and who God says you are.
When you are unseen by others, be reminded that you are the apple of God’s eye.(Deuteronomy 32:10) Moreover, when you are feeling unloved, remember that your name is engraved on the palms of His hands.(Isaiah 49:16) You are not a forgotten dream in God’s eyes. He has a plan for your good and his glory that he continues to perfect.
“The LORD will perfect that which concerneth me: thy mercy, O LORD, endureth for ever: forsake not the works of thine own hands.”
Psalm 138:8
Always Comforted
Let go of your measuring stick of comparison. Instead, burrow deeper into the Word of God and find that in Him you are enough. The key is always in Him. He will comfort you as you comfort your little one in the dead of night.(Isaiah 66:19) In the unexpected, God will give you grace to continue. When the wounds happen and life assaults, God will be your Healer. Find your soul security in Him.
When we face fragmented days and are peering into our own deficiencies we must choose to trust and believe that God is still working on us. God knows the journey we are on and what we are facing. Moreover, in our stumbling’s and failings, as we turn to God, He will be there to intervene and provide the building blocks needed to finish strong.
Constantly Known and Loved

God will not forsake you and push you aside as an unfinished project, nor are you just a forgotten dream. In fact, He knows the dreams you have laid down, the struggles you face and the mental gymnastics you endure.
In other words, the underlying fact you can hold on to in the middle of your uncertainties is that, God knows you and loves you. You are never out of his mind. His care for you does not wane. You are the dream of His heart. Draw close to God and see what He will do in your life.