It was an unexpected, sharp pain that interrupted the summer evening at the fair. The smells of the funnel cakes, the noise of the livestock and the laughter of the crowd faded into the background as the pain pushed its way to the forefront.
As the evening progressed the continuous pain tipped off the end of the pain scale. Plans were put on hold and life narrowed to that small window of time. It was moment by moment living for my girl who found herself racked by unexplained pain.
Facing the Heartaches of Life
It is in these type of moments that we as humans realize our finite and frail frame. When we face pain and heartache, fear and sorrow life becomes defined by how to take the next step forward. The broad vista of life, as well as our future expectations become limited when we are visited with the troubles of this world.
However, we have the same God who walked with Jairus through his heartache. There is still the compassion of the Master and the shelter of his wings for us in all their fullness.
The time that has rolled by since the Scriptures were the life being lived has not limited nor drained the faithfulness and power of the God we serve. Troublesome moments and aching hearts in the myriad of people that have walked before us has not left us with a destitute God.
Faithfulness and the Unexpected
As I walked through the hours of pain with my daughter I found that God walked with us. As we waited for a diagnosis after the scan, his faithfulness was not diminished. Our questions and trouble did not drain the bank of heaven. God is still the same God of years past. He is unchanged in his power and goodness. His faithfulness in the midst of your unexplained situation will not come to an end. Furthermore, God’s sufficiency will not face bankruptcy or termination when unexpected moments rearrange the plans of your life.
When words such as, appendicitis, surgery, antibiotics and vitals became a prevalent addition to our vocabulary God remained steadfast. You too, may find yourself in an overwhelming and unexplained situation. In those times run to the Rock that is higher than the troubles that surround you. He will not falter, nor fail. Though we may feel bereft of strength and stamina our God remains constant.
Held through the Circumstances
That cry for help articulated in a one word lament is heard by our Father. Strength for the next step is given as our cries reach the heart of the Father. Sometimes it is only as we look back on the circumstance that the full realization of all that God provided is understood.
The surgery is over, the hospital stay has ended and healing has begun. The immediate crisis is past. I have been held by God’s arms in these unexpected moments. As my world expands once again to encompass my daily responsibilities I must make a conscious decision to stay upon the unchanging hand of God.
Trusting God with the Unexpected
However, my struggle is ongoing as I find myself picking up the threads of worry that have attached themselves to my heart. The ‘what ifs’ seem to be numerous and the lack of control I have over the situation has me unraveling.
I pause, as I am reminded of the conversation I had with Melody about anesthesia and how we lose control of ourselves. Our trust must be placed in the doctors and surgeons that have the knowledge needed to bring healing.
Similarly, when we feel our life situations unraveling and the control we have held on to is slipping we must place our trust in the One that has all knowledge. A conscious choice to take our presumed control and place it in the hands of our Creator is needed. Moreover, moment to moment living with Him needs to become the motto we live by. I choose, over and over again if need be, to place this life with all its variables into the hands of my Heavenly Father.
To sum it up, nothing we face in this life will be too much for God to handle. His love and compassion for us will not fail. God’s goodness is not lacking nor his faithfulness stunted. Rest in the arms of the Eternal One in the midst of your unexpected moments and unexplained situations. Trust them all to the God that will bring you through.