The suppression of truth has never been so evident as it is in our day. If it doesn’t fit the agenda, roll out something that does. Never mind that it is not the truth. Fabrication of lies become the new reality and truth is traded for a lie.
God’s Love and Mankind’s Wickedness on Display
I have started a zoom study on Romans with Shepherd’s Global Classroom. It has given me much to reflect on, though we have only waded into the first chapter. In the first part of that chapter, Paul shares the importance of the Gospel and how the righteousness of God through faith can change a life. God’s power and love for mankind is on display. But then Paul turns a corner in this chapter and displays the wickedness of humanity. He wants us to realize that we all have need of the Gospel.
I must confess that there have been times in the past where I have skimmed over that last portion because the wickedness portrayed seem to have no part in my life. I was better than that, wasn’t I? Yet there in that thought I find a pride that is not God-worthy. For without the grace and forgiveness of God applied to my heart it would find a place, without a doubt within the list of debauchery and evil that Paul rends open for all to see.
Certainly, there is a spiral downward that leads to a deeper degradation of heart. Yet God continuously discloses truths about Himself that would lead humankind to seek God’s redemptive plan. In God’s plan of redemption even the creation shouts of his splendor and power.
The Truth Revealed in Creation
Psalm 19 records the faithfulness of God in revealing truths about Himself in the heavens. When we accept the truth that they speak, our heart is drawn to seeking out this God who can convert the soul and rejoice the heart. God offers his truth and righteousness to us who do not deserve it.
We can look at the world around us and see with clarity how they refuse to accept the truth of God, as well as any truth that does not fit their agenda. Truth becomes twisted with lies and touted as truth. In fact, we perceive the downward spiral all to well in full color on the news, as well as social media. We shake our heads and wonder how they could even contemplate such vile acts, let alone carry them out.
Truth or Lie
Yet, it is to us who have sought the heart of God and found redemption of soul that I offer this thought. According to Romans 1 this degenerating wickedness of heart begins with a suppression of truth. Paul makes it known that everyone who has seen the earth and sky has the truth of God in a kaleidoscope of color in front of them. When one turns away from the knowledge of God as displayed in creation that first step downward is taken. If this direction is not halted, the heart continues its evil progression further and further away from God and truth.
We don’t like to think that we have any similarity with one who has rejected God. However, we must take heed to have ears to hear what God is speaking into our lives. We too, can suppress truth if we are not careful. By suppressing the truth, we are in danger of accepting a lie about God and his Word. Needless to say, this is damaging to the soul.
The Christian’s Response
Truth suppression may have a different look to it then we what we perceive in our world. However, it is a danger we need to take into consideration. Our response to God’s truths must be acceptance and obedience. But is that always the case in our life?
- Have there been promptings by the Spirit to accept a truth that we hadn’t considered before that has went unheeded in our own spiritual life?
- Is there something that God wants to refine in us, but we are resistant to that truth?
- Has our personal agenda become more of a priority than God’s truth that refines the heart?
- Do we catch a glimmer of what God wants to do in our hearts in regard to growth but then suppress that thought because we have become comfortable in the way we are living?
Other factors that may lead to suppression of truth in our lives are rationalization, fear of change or fear of what others may think? Because of these aspects and more, we turn away from God’s life-changing truths instead of embracing and obeying them. All the while, we perform other acts that we know are God-oriented to keep us feeling “Christian.”
It is obedience to God’s truth that makes us right in God’s sight. As we stay in the Word of God and seek His heart we will find that God gives of his strength and power to grow in truth and understanding. Diligence and carefulness in living are key traits for the truth-loving Christian.
A Prayer for Heart Searching
Returning to Psalm 19, we notice that David ends the chapter by reminding us that the truths and commandments of God provide warning and reward. Furthermore, he delves into the essence of the matter by asking about the heart of man with the question, “Who can understand his errors?” In other words, how can I know when I am mistaken or in the wrong? How can I continue to hear the truth of correction in my life? The answer is certainly a heart ready to accept God’s truth and obey them.
David continues with a prayer for cleansing from any hidden faults that may have been lurking in his heart. He was open to hearing whatever it was that God wanted to change in his life. More than his agenda or what he thought was best David longed to be pleasing in God’s sight.
This week take time to search your heart for any truths that God has been prompting you to implement in your life. Accept the truth of your failings, flaws and faults. Then respond to God’s truth. Take steps toward growth instead of censoring what you know to be true. Deal with the issues that God’s truth reveals.
Suppression of truth will never be counted as righteousness nor will it draw you closer to the heart of God. Stay far away from anything that will cause the truths of God to become twisted in your life. Don’t trade the truth of God for a lie that bolsters your agenda. Keep your heart open and obedient to whatever God wants to do in your life.
“Let the words of my mouth, and the meditation of my heart, be acceptable in thy sight, O Lord, my strength and my Redeemer.” Psalm 19:14