In early spring I answer the call to search for the treasures of the season. As I wend my way down the trail and over the wooded hillside myriads of Spring Beauty spread out on the forest floor in a quantity of white, pink and purple. Various nooks and hollows flaunt this dainty flower that heralds the coming of spring.
The thrill of the hunt sends me onward seeking out other wildflowers not quite as prevalent. The trail leads downward towards the ravine. Yellow Trout Lilies dot the landscape, together with the Spotted Trillium which stands straight as a soldier. Dutchman breeches dance in the breeze, coupled with Virginia Bluebells which sing the wonders of springtime while the elusive morel mushroom still lie beneath the decay of the forest floor. The woods are full of treasures.
As I wonder further, I notice the transformation taking place in the forest around me. The lacework of branches overhead boast the buds of new life, flowers of various color have overtaken the brown of decaying leaves and songbirds fill the air with the joy of living.
Treasures that Transform
These treasures of the forest remind me of the treasures that can be found in God’s Word. Many well-known promises of God have kept the saints secure in the dark hours of trial and temptation. Yet if we venture deeper into the study of God’s Word we will find treasures that will continually renew our souls, equip us for the battle, and transform us into the individual God wants us to become.
In the Old Testament, kings had treasure houses which housed silver, gold, jewels and instruments of war. They had vast storehouses of prepared items, spoils of war and items of particular value to their country.
God’s Word is our treasure house given to us by our King. Within this treasure house we can find provision for life, strength for the battle and preparation for eternity. His Word has endless treasures that are ours to claim if we would seek them out.
The benefits of studying God’s Word are priceless. Various methods can help you mine out the riches of His Word. Among those are
- Word studies – Strong’s Concordance is a great source for this type of study
- Bible Journaling – writing reflections on meaningful verses or creative drawing of verses can help you connect with God’s Word
- Topical studies – Various themes in the Bible can bring depth as you study a certain topic throughout Scripture
- Book studies – Study of individual books of the Bible can help you understand the context it was written in and learn the main theme of the book
Don’t let your treasure house become lifeless and covered with the dust of disuse. Go to His Word. Make time to study and search out the treasures God has for you. God is wanting new life to grow out of the decay of winter past. God’s Word has the power to transform your life and bring you the joy of living.