We take comfort in the presence of our loved one. When we are going through a problem just knowing someone is there for us and has our back so to speak is immensely reassuring. They may not give answers to our problems but we take solace in their presence.
Created for a Relationship
God created mankind so that we could live in His presence. It was in a literal sense that God’s Presence was with Adam and Eve at the beginning of time. Furthermore, it was a treasured time of the day when God walked and talked with them. On the other hand, when sin entered the world through disobedience it was mankind that fled from the Presence of God.
Since that day God has went out of his way to bring us back. He assures us of his love and longing for us. He stoops down to involve himself in the affairs of mankind. God serves us in our desperate neediness. His plan has always been and always will be that we might live in His presence.
God has promised His presence. He longs for us to live daily with the awareness of himself. So why don’t we? The God of the Universe beckons us to come yet so many times we rush on with our lives leaving God in the dust of our own makings.
God’s Presence Promised
Moses realized that life wouldn’t work without God’s Presence among his people. He knew that nothing could replace the reality of the Presence of God. It was only God that made them who they were. Moses knew that if God wasn’t with them then all was lost.
When Moses sought God, God promised that His presence would go with his people. That promise is still true today. Whether we are walking through a sunlit valley or through a dark and threatening storm God goes with us.
The Psalmist gives us the promise that He will be with us in trouble.
“He shall call upon me, and I will answer him: I will be with him in trouble; I will deliver him, and honour him.”
Psalm 91:15
It is in his Presence that we find joy for the journey.
“Thou wilt shew me the path of life: in thy presence is fulness of joy; at thy right hand there are pleasures for evermore.”
Psalm 16:11
We must come to the realization that God is what makes the difference in our lives. Moreover, we must be willing to do whatever we need to bring about the reality of His presence in our life.
Keys to Cultivating God’s Presence
- Confess your sins. Sin always separates us from God. Anything that is not aligned with God’s Word must be removed. Are we living in a way that pleases God? Are our heart attitudes conformed to his? Does our actions show Jesus to others? When we are faced with a “no” to these questions God’s Presence cannot be a reality in our lives.
- Humble yourself. We must get to the place of realization that we are powerless to help ourselves. There is much we can do but there is a humility of heart that must be obtained if we are to find the reality of God’s Presence in our lives. Isaiah 57:15 reminds us that God dwells with the one that is of a contrite and humble spirit. Do you find yourself thinking that you are enough for your situation? Are you the one that calls the shots in your life? Have you fallen into the trap of thinking that you are the one that directs your future?
- Praise God. When we realize the gifts of mercy and grace that God surrounds us with and praise Him for it we step into his presence. The saying “When you can’t pray your way through praise your way through” has great validity. “Enter into his gates with thanksgiving and into his courts with praise.” Psalm 100:4
- Trust God’s Heart. There will be times when it is only through the eyes of faith that the way forward is seen. In these instances we can trust the heart of God. We can lean on His promises. He does not fail. The promise of his presence is still true in times of darkness.
- Pursue your relationship with God. Deepen your understanding of who God is. Put effort into reading and studying God’s Word. As you seek to know God more, you will find him closer than ever before.
Claim His Promise
The promise of His presence is an assurance that can be claimed. God has pledged to walk with you. He will not leave you in the lurch. Let him enfold you with His presence throughout this journey of life. If you are in a lonely place He is there. When you are troubled, He brings peace. God brings healing to the broken and gives hope to the hurting. Remember that dwelling in the presence of God makes the difference. With God you can make it through.