New vistas to observe, a fresh outlook to grasp and another chapter to live. Our mind whirls with the possibilities and opportunities as we move into the new year. We’ve put the old behind us and stepped into the new. We want this year to be better than the last. There are goals to achieve and summits to reach. Yet as we move forward our need must be acknowledged.
A New Start
Moses was assigned the task of leading the Israelites to the Promised Land. It was a new start. Delivery from bondage had come. Miracles had been performed. A way had opened through the sea. However, the people failed to grasp God’s truth about Himself. They did not perceive God’s deep love for them. They let their fears dictate their actions and their emotions obscure the truth.
The Israelites had pledged their obedience to Yahweh as they stood at the foot of God’s holy mountain. However, in a few short weeks they had lost sight of that vow. Instead of letting God order their steps, they let their circumstances influence their activities. When they could not see God’s plan they turned from their promised obedience to calf obeisance.
A Need Acknowledged
The rebellion and the resulting turmoil are recorded in Exodus 32. However, in the following chapter Moses acknowledges his need and the need of the people. Moses knows that forward progress could not be made without God’s abiding Presence.
“And he said unto Him, If thy presence go not with me, carry us not up hence. For wherein shall it be known here that I and thy people have found grace in thy sight? Is it not that thou goest with us?”
Exodus 33:15 & 16
This is still our paramount need today. We must acknowledge our need of God’s Presence as we make our way through this year. Our goals may be listed, our steps plotted and achievement assured, yet without God’s Presence it will all come to nothing.
When we recognize our lack of sufficiency within ourselves and acknowledge our need to God, He bows low and listens to our cry.
As Moses cried out for God’s Presence, God pledged to go with his people. (Exodus 33:17) Moses then entreats God for a visible sign of his glory. In answer to Moses plea, God places Moses in the cleft of a rock. Then God displays His goodness and mercy to Moses.
A Pledge Given
God’s pledge to us is still real today. In Christ’s coming as Emmanuel we have once again been given the promise of ‘God with us.’ Daily, we must acknowledge our need of His Presence. We cannot trek through this year without Him.
Pause before you proceed any further into this New Year. Ask God to permeate your life with His Presence. Furthermore, find out what goals God wants you to reach toward. Seek God’s view on your behavior. Are there any changes He would have you make? What do you need to start doing? Is there something you need to stop doing? Are there relationships that need mended or a friendship that needs attention?
All these and more can be taken to God’s heart. God’s pledge of His Presence is for you. Come near and find Him faithful. He has tasked Himself to be your Savior and Guide.
A Soul Entrusted
Questions abound and circumstances change, but God remains the same. God was faithful yesterday. He is faithful today and will be faithful tomorrow. You can trust the stuff of life to your Heavenly Father. More importantly, you can entrust the keeping of your soul to God. (1 Peter 4:19)
When we acknowledge our need of God, He pledges to walk with us. It’s a promise that God does not take lightly. Don’t let fears dictate your actions, nor let emotions obscure God’s truth. Daily seek His Presence. Find His plan for your life. Go forward into this new year with confidence because God goes with you.