Three weeks into the Christmas season and the flickering flames of the Advent candles fill our hearts with a dim light. The lit candles are gifts that represent hope, peace and joy.

These gifts of the season seemed to be elusive amid the chaos of now.
Hope for a better tomorrow is often dashed against the realities of life. In addition, the touted peace of the season seems only a bitter reminder of the not so peaceful relationships in our own life.
Then there is joy. That ringing declaration that joy is provided for all.
Yet, too many times our joy is dealt a stinging blow by financial strain, a health crisis or the devastating effects of depression and anxiety.
However, the tangible realities of life do not erase the unperceived truths of the heart.
The Truth About the Gifts of Christmas
The truth of the matter is that in Jesus can be found that hope and peace and joy. This does not imply that hard times will not be faced. Remember, it is in the dark that the candle’s flame is showcased.
That faint flicker of hope that shines despite the feelings of despair, that whisper of peace that enfolds you with a gentle touch in the unexpected moments of heartache and the notes of joy that echo from deep within your soul is a voucher for the sure promises of God.

You might wonder where the hope is in your story. The drama of traversites seems to run on an unending reel in your life. Moreover, the future seems to be shrouded in confusion and uncertainty.
Let me stop you right there before the spiral takes on a life of its own. Take a closer look at the real Christmas story. Not the one with the perfect manger scene, sweet smelling hay and a serene look on Mary’s face.
The Real of the Christmas Story
The onset of the beloved Christmas story was filled with fear, confusion, rejection and loneliness. Yes, Mary had an encounter with the angel. Who of us wouldn’t want to experience an angel sent to us from the very Presence of God! What an experience that would be!
In that moment, despite her fear, Mary said ‘Yes’ and became a willing vessel for God to bring eternal hope into the world. However, after Gabriel returned to heaven, life changed for Mary.
No longer a highly esteemed girl of Nazareth, Mary became the target of ridicule because of her pregnancy in an unwed state. She faced fear, rejection and loneliness after her encounter with the angel. Moreover, life became a shadowed land of questions and uncertainty.
Yet, in the darkness of her circumstances, Mary chose to worship. (Luke 1:46-55) No, you are not carrying the very God of Heaven in your womb, but just as God had a plan for Mary’s life, God has a plan for you.
In the dark, choose to worship.
The Message that Makes the Difference
An angel visits Joseph and addresses his fears and insecurities. In the revealing of the nature of Mary’s pregnancy a plan is unfurled. Then the message of the angel highlights the prophecy of Isaiah.
“Behold, a virgin shall be with child, and shall bring forth a son, and they shall call his name Emmanuel, which being interpreted is, God with us.” Matthew 1:23
Hope is captured and framed with precision! Peace comes because God’s promise has been kept. God steps into our world with a present hope. God is with us. What joy! Not just in the past. Not just in the future. But God is with us now.
There were still problems to face, but Mary and Joseph found a hope in the present tense promise of God’s ‘withness.’
I want to remind you that within the fears and insecurities of life, God shows up. Hope was born and lives on today because of Jesus. Our celebration of peace and joy at Christmas is because Emmanuel has come.
We want our Christmas season to be the definition of merry and bright.

We grasp the notes to sing with joy but soon fall silent. Again, we reach for a joyful song, then overwhelm smothers the score.
It’s almost as if the manger scene of our heart has slipped from the shelf and shattered leaving our soul in disrepair. Life seems like so much broken joy. The mangled manger scene underscores the fact that these gifts of hope, peace and joy were not meant for us.
The Gifts of Christmas are for You
I urge you to go to the manger again. Right now, in the disarray of your life. These gifts are for you. Jesus brings hope and gives peace. Joy is found in Jesus. Yes, all of these are given to you right where you are.
Remember that first Christmas came with numerous insecurities, gripping fears, government overreach, weary bodies, stinky stables and anguished cries. It was not a perfect Christmas scene.
In the middle of your mess kneel before the Christ of Christmas.
It’s okay to acknowledge the shattered pieces of your life. Especially at Christmas. You have no gifts to bring. Just your sagging hope, disgruntled peace and broken joy to Jesus. Come and worship. Let your heart be filled with the truth of Emmanuel.
It is in the knowledge of ‘God with us’ that the notes of joy can sound throughout your soul. Pause in the stillness. It may be just a moment in between loving the toddlers God gave you. Possibly, the stillness comes only when your high-strung teens have settled down in the lateness of the night. Whatever the case, still your heart and soak in the peace that is Jesus.
And over it all, the calm and the chaos, the joy and the sorrow, the hope and despair, God’s love for you bridges the gap between the flickering candles and the realities of life.
He comes with the gift of Himself. In Him is found hope for our despair, peace in our storm and joy amid the chaos.
Emmanuel—God with us. And that makes all the difference.