She was barren and empty. Criticized and degraded. Hannah walked with disillusionment and despair for years. Life was filled with grievous hurts and endless pain. It was a time of bitterness of soul and spirit. A time when she wept and cried before the Lord. A trial put on her by God’s hand, which in turn, led to Hannah’s complete surrender.

“…but the Lord had shut up her womb…And she was in bitterness of soul, and prayed unto the Lord, and wept sore.

1 Samuel 1: 5 & 10

Hannah’s Backstory

We don’t know much of Hannah before this time, but if life had all been good we would never had heard of her. More than likely, she wouldn’t have known the depths of God’s mercy and love, nor would she have experienced the surrender of her all to God.

Hannah was one of the wives of Elkanah. Penninah, the other wife ridiculed Hannah and made life grievous for her. The innuendos and hurtful words never let up. On top of that, Hannah had not been able to bear children, which heaped another layer of shame upon the heart of this wife of Elkanah.


This time of brokenness and anguish of spirit went on ‘year after year.’ Hannah turned to God again and again when the burden became too much to bear. When nothing changed, and life was made more agonizing she kept coming back to her only Source of Help. When grief surrounded her, it brought her to her knees before the Holy One of Israel. She came to a point in her life when she was ready to surrender all. If God gave her a son, she was ready to give him fully back to God. She poured out her soul to the Lord in full surrender.

Gifted Through Surrender

“..and the Lord remembered her.”

The word remembered has with it the meaning of ‘to recognize’. The Lord recognized the full surrender of Hannah’s heart. God accepted her gift of surrender and gave to her what she longed for. He gave to her even more then a son. He gave to her communion with God Almighty.

While Samuel was a little boy, I’m sure Hannah’s relationship with God grew. It did not stagnate. When Samuel became of age to be left at the temple, Hannah’s prayer to God was full of praise. Her intent was to glorify the God she had come to know on a personal level. Hannah’s heart was full of rejoicing in the Lord. Her knowledge of God’s mercy and power had expanded.

Samuel was used mightily of God throughout his life. It all came about with a trial that brought Hannah to her knees. If the trial had not been placed upon her, more than likely, we would not see the mighty work of God in Samuel’s life. If children had come to Hannah before her recognition of God, would Samuel have been given to God?

Surrender Makes the Difference

We do not know how God will take our trials and turn them for good in each of our lives. It seems impossible. When anguish of spirit weighs us down and all we can do is turn to God, helpless and barren, it is then we must surrender our hopes and dreams to the Almighty God. The One who holds the world in His hand is the One who knows what is best for us. When we surrender our will to God in the midst of our trial, it is then God can recognize our complete trust in Him and His workings in our life.

Surrender amidst the trial makes all the difference. In time, we too will be able to say as Hannah did,

“My heart rejoiceth in the Lord, mine horn is exalted in the Lord: my mouth is enlarged over mine enemies; because I rejoice in thy salvation. There is none holy as the Lord: for there is none beside thee: neither is there any rock like our God.”

1 Samuel 2:1 & 2

What are you struggling with? What pain has intruded sharply into your life? Give it to God. Again and again find your way to the Burden Bearer. Surrender your fears and struggles to the God who makes a way when there is no way. Surrender is an essential part of life for those who are serious about spiritual growth. Trust His heart when life overwhelms and know that He is able to mend the broken, bring beauty from ashes and praise in the midst of the struggle.


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