“Daddy, I want to do the monkey bars. I need you to come catch me if I fall.” Off to the monkey bars Daddy and daughter go. Up the metal bars she went catching the first rung and then reaching for the second leaving her body hanging in the air. On to the next rung, reaching and succeeding. She kept going but soon her little hands slipped, her strength waning and down she fell into Daddy’s waiting arms. “Help me, Daddy.”
The monkey bars were completed with Daddy’s arms about the little girl as her hands grasped each rung until the end was reached. Strength from Daddy’s arms and the knowledge that He was there gave her perseverance to try again. “Daddy I want to try again.”
![strength for monkey bars](https://i0.wp.com/soulstillness.com/wp-content/uploads/2020/02/image.png?resize=240%2C320&ssl=1)
Out on the monkey bars she went, hanging and reaching. Grasping then falling, but Daddy was there. Strength from her Daddy’s presence kept her trying again and again until a smile of pure happiness spread across her face. Her joyful voice could be heard across the playground, “Mommy, did you see? I made it across all by myself.”
Strength To continue On
The obstacles that we face in our lives remind me of the monkey bars that my daughter was determined to conquer. At times, these obstacles leave us swinging in the wind, grasping for something firm to grip. We feel ourselves falling and our strength most gone.
During these situations our human reaction is to try to bolster ourselves up with what little strength we have and keep on in our own power. But another choice beckons our heart.
With childlike faith, we call out to our Father God, “Help me, I’m falling.” And He is there. Always. His arms are there to wrap around us in our weakness. We lean into His Presence and find the strength to continue on.
Consequently, we can get up and face the “monkey bar” again. Strength given from the Most High carries us onward and upward. Again and again He is there, keeping that promise of grace and strength given in the midst of life’s obstacles. “My grace is sufficient for thee: for my strength is made perfect in weakness” 2 Corinthians 12:9
God and Monkey Bars
As we face circumstances and situations that are too big for us, we call out to our Heavenly Father in simple faith. Subsequently, we place our life and circumstances in His hands. He is always there. Moreover, underneath are His everlasting arms. In short, it is with our Abba’s presence and strength that we are able to cross the “monkey bars” that we face in our personal situations.
In Isaiah 41:10 we read, “Fear thou not; for I am with thee: be not dismayed; for I am thy God: I will strengthen thee; yea, I will help thee; yea, I will uphold thee with the right hand of my righteousness.” Peace envelops our heart as we rest on the promise that our Heavenly Father walks with us through this journey of life and strengthens us for every “monkey bar” we will need to maneuver.