The brilliant blue of the sky was a grand backdrop for the lighthouse that stood tall on the shores of Lake Michigan. The water formed waves and crested with foaming abandon. Overhead, the seagulls sought out crumbs from nearby picnic areas heedless of the constant biting wind.

Petosky Stones
On the edge of this beautiful scene, numerous people walked along the sandy shore. Heads were bent, intent on searching for something, I knew not what. My curiosity was aroused, and I approached an elderly couple and asked what they were searching for. The answer turned out to be certain types of stones.
The Petosky stone was not something I was knowledgeable about. However, I recalled seeing numerous Petosky stones for sale earlier that day as I had meandered through the small town. Even though the stones were polished to a shine that accented the design upon them I had only given them a cursory glance. Now I found that this stone is highly sought after and can be found here on the shores of the lake.
My conversation enlightened me somewhat as the kind couple explained about the Petosky and Charlevoix stones. These stones are fossilized coral with distinctive markings in hexagonal shapes. One of the differences between the two is that the Charlevoix has smaller hexagonal cells that give it a distinct honeycomb-like appearance.
After my mini lesson on geology, I, too, bent my head and began searching for these elusive stones. The shore was littered with small stones of various sizes and colors. Though I chose and discarded a variety of stones, I couldn’t be sure that I had found this choice stone.
A Nondescript Treasure

In the distance I heard a voice, and I turned to find the couple I had talked to earlier walking toward me with an outstretched hand. A small nondescript stone lay in the roughened palm. It was unlike those polished stones I had seen earlier in the shop window. In fact, to my undiscerning eye there seemed to be nothing special about it. However, as the various characteristics of the stone were pointed out I began to recognize the beauty in this specific type of fossilized rock.
Without a discriminating eye, these rocks were left to lie unnoticed amid a vast array of other stones with varying degrees of size and color. In fact, other stones portrayed more beauty than that of this stone.
As God’s creation often does it led me to a spiritual lesson. Jesus purpose in coming to earth was to seek us out. We, who are nondescript, crippled by sin and misshapen by our mistakes are sought out.
“For the Son of Man is come to seek and to save that which was lost.”
Luke 19:10
Sought Out and Chosen
Jesus left heaven to seek us out. He came to rescue us from the bondage of sin. Jesus looks beyond our outward exterior. Moreover, He sees who we were intended to be. When we are sought out by Jesus it is not because of our extravagant beauty or our great qualities. In reality, Jesus longs to gather us close just as we are.
Jesus sees our potential as he looks at us in our mess. In fact, He reaches down and chooses us. His discerning eye sees us for who we were meant to be. Furthermore, He knows what it will take to form us and polish us into His likeness. As we lean into the circumstances that sand off the roughness in our lives His beauty will shine brighter. In addition, the hardships we face bring a sheen to our faith that otherwise would not be possible.
Have you ever felt unaccepted, passed over, or abandoned? Jesus is coming for you. In Jesus eyes, you are chosen. You are wanted and accepted. He will never forsake or abandon you. What’s more Jesus chooses you. You may feel lacking and undesirable, yet Jesus desires to draw you close. Jesus sees you as a treasure. Furthermore, in God’s eyes you are highly prized and beautiful, despite the outward ordinariness that others may see.
Let God work on you as He sees fit. The dull finish of your heart will be changed. Christ’s image will be reflected in your life. You will no longer be called forsaken and undesirable, but you will be redeemed of the Lord and a delight. (Isaiah 62) In the midst of the rubble of your life, Jesus reaches down and chooses you.