Weeping and mourning sidelined Nehemiah’s well-ordered life. When he heard of the trouble and disgrace his country was in he wept. In fact, he mourned for days over the destruction of Jerusalem. The bustle of life ceased for him as sorrow burrowed its way into the fabric of his life.
Facing Sorrow
Have you been crippled by life? Are you facing the destruction of your well-ordered routine? Has trouble riddled the terrain of your heart? Though sorrow overtook Nehemiah for a time he did not let it continue without a bulwark to stop the onslaught of despair.

Though we are faced with a country riddled by destruction and filled with hateful division we too, must sit with our sorrow before a God who is great and awesome. One whose unfailing love is steadfast and sure.
Purpose To Pray
Nehemiah began with purpose. A purpose to seek the God of heaven. He purposed to pray his way through the sorrow that enveloped him. For many days he sat before the Lord and prayed. He did not let the sorrow keep him from his purpose to petition the God of heaven. Throughout this time of upset and trouble, Nehemiah found a closer relationship with his God. In fact, as you continue to follow Nehemiah’s life, you see that his confidence in God was strengthened through this troublesome time in his life.
You too, can still before the Lord. Purpose to pray in spite of the debilitating sorrow that has overtaken you. Share your sorrows and tears with the God of all comfort. As you still before the God of Heaven, He will come and sit with you in this place of heartache. Furthermore, you will find an unshakeable refuge in the God of Heaven.
As we grapple with our own divided country that is filled with turmoil and hate, let us sit with our Father God. Seek forgiveness for our nation and plead for mercy from the Most High.
Pause to Praise

Have you paused to praise? Has glory been given to God through the words of your mouth and the actions of your life despite the heartache you may be experiencing? Praise is not an escapism from reality, but praise does turn our vision from the reality of our circumstances to the God of the eternal. The God of the impossible.
- Praise Him for who He is.
- Give God glory for his steadfast love and unending mercies.
- Take the time to pray the Scriptures back to God
- Thank God for the power of His Word.
Repair the Wall
After Nehemiah gained entrance into the throne room through praise, he accessed the guidance God had promised. While breathing prayers to his God, Nehemiah asked Artaxerxes’ permission to leave his employ for a time and go back to his ancestral home and rebuild the city’s walls. Nehemiah asked largely. He asked for letters of introduction to the governors of the area, as well as access to the kings supply of timber for the rebuilding process. This bold request was granted.
Nehemiah knew he needed to give help to his country through prayer, as well as hard work. He did not retreat when faced with the ruins of his beloved city. Instead he rallied to the work with a will.
Our God is no less ready to step into help in our time of need. His coffers of grace, mercy and strength has not been exhausted. When our understanding is enlightened and knowledge of what needs to happen has been brought to our attention, step forward boldly. God stands ready to help us rebuild the wall and repair the broken places in the city of our heart.
We as a nation are faced with the ruins of an evil onslaught. People are burdened with sorrow. Our country needs our prayers. Furthermore, we must rally for the right and be ready to stand up for the values that this country was founded upon. What is it that God wants you to do to help repair the breach that has ripped our country apart?
Persevere Through Opposition
Opposition will come. Nehemiah faced much opposition. It happened over and over again. Yet he did not give in. He did not give up. Perseverance was key in rebuilding the walls of Jerusalem.

Every manner of resistance was used against Nehemiah and his building crew. Ridicule and deception, force and mockery all were a part of a planned opposition, but they prayed to their God. They remained vigilant and prepared for the attacks. They had a plan to persevere in the work and a plan to push back against the opposition. Nehemiah encouraged the people. Moreover, He reminded them to not be afraid of the enemy because God was greater than the enemy.
Pray Through Sorrow
In our individual Christian walk we must continue to be prayerful, as well as vigilant. The enemy will be there to prevent and to hinder, but we must push on. When the opposition is great, turn to the One who is greater. When fear and sorrow come knocking at your door, place your confidence in the unfailing God. Plan to persevere in the eternal work of the soul and push back against the onslaughts of the enemy.
Moreover, as we face the fight for our country’s freedoms, here too, vigilance and prayer is needed. We must stay in the fight. Plan to persevere, build the wall, repair the breach and push back against the evil. There are many that oppose the religious freedoms that we hold dear. Rioting’s and lootings are the voice of protests against the right. Lawlessness abounds and sin runs rampant throughout the streets.
It is God that our country needs. We must always come back to that fact despite our party affiliation. Let us sit before God with our sorrow and grief as Nehemiah did. In humility, confess the sins of our land to a holy God and plead for mercy and forgiveness. Then take action. Fight for the right with your hand in God’s.
Place your faith and confidence in a God who is able to sustain you through hardship. When uncertainty threatens, purpose to pray and pause to praise. Repair the breaches in your heart and life. Furthermore, when faced with opposition, persevere. Seek the God that is greater than your situation. When your story winds to a close, you will find that God has come through for you.