The summer blooms had died. The dead stalks filling the flower beds witnessed to this fact. Pruning was inevitable. Sunshine drew me outside to work on the long overdue problem of removing the dead foliage.
Summer’s End
The air became redolent with the aroma of peppermint and bee balm as I removed the dried stalks of summer. Breezes brought the first of the sycamore leaves from the spreading branches overhead twirling to the ground. Summer was gone. Autumn had come. Consequently, bringing with it change.
As I worked, I was reminded of how much our souls are like a garden. God’s graces must be planted deep in the soil of our heart and tended daily. Jesus, as our Gardener, works with us, pruning and removing anything that is unlike Him. He removes the dead foliage of the past.
In addition to the planting, we must remember that seasons and change are a part of our souls ongoing growth. These seasons of pruning and change will come to all of us.
Pruning Begins
Jesus tenderly digs about, bringing new growth to places we heretofore had not known. The broken places in our lives that we have shoved to the back of our heart and soul, hoping to never let them see the light of day again, God wants to bring out. In other words, He wants to bring healing, wholeness and beauty from the places that have brought tears and heartache. When Jesus comes to us to prune the beds of our souls, don’t shrink away. However, accept His touch with gladness. He knows what will bring wholeness to our souls. Certainly He walks with us through the changing seasons of life.
During the times of pruning in our lives, when things don’t make sense and we wonder why this has been cut back and that has been pruned out of our life, abide in Him. Our Heavenly Gardner knows what He is doing. As He takes out the dead foliage that is bringing grief to our soul we must trust His heart. In other words, His plan far exceeds our momentary pain. Consequently, we must remain in Him, who is our Branch. New growth will spring up in the soil of our souls as we surrender to His touch. Fruit will be produced and glory brought to the Father.
Growth Comes
As I finished clearing the beds, making way for the jeweled colors of autumn, I praised Him who brings life and wholeness. I reveled in this seemingly insignificant day, that brought me close to the heart of our Father once again. The message rang clear, “Remain. Abide. Trust through the process of pruning. New growth will come. Our Gardener has a plan. We can trust His Heart.”