As we venture into this 2nd week of Advent we long for God’s peace to enfold us. The hustle and bustle of the season threatens to leave us weary and worn. However, this space of time beckons us to stillness, peace and reflection. I think of the shepherds who were the recipients of that first Christmas message of peace.
The Shepherd’s Story
It wasn’t a candle that flickered in the midst of the shepherds, but the dying embers of the campfire that lit the dark night. The routines and work of the day were finished. The busyness had given way to the stillness of the night. In the distance the howl of wild dogs could be heard. Nearby the sheep settled down for the night. Was it a night sprinkled with the light of glimmering stars or had clouds obscured their vision and brought about a steady downpour?
Were they discussing the hardships of the day or debating a passage from the prophets of old? Or maybe they had already chosen the night watch, and the rest of the shepherds had drawn their robes a little closer as they settled down to get some rest.
Undoubtedly, the shepherds were startled as a bright light suddenly lit the hillside. Moreover, terror gripped their hearts. These hardened shepherds that had faced angry predators and numerous challenges were now encountering an unexpected phenomena. Trembling and afraid they gazed upward as the angel of the Lord appeared in the midst of the great light.
Peace in the Unexpected
What a balm to their fearful hearts were the words of the angel. “Fear not,” It was a command, but more than a command. It was an assurance that all was well. As the turmoil of their heart quieted, the words continued as the angel shared the good tidings of the birth of God’s Son. Finally in a burst of joyful praise a multitude of angels filled the sky as they declared God’s glory.
“Glory to God in the highest, and on earth peace, goodwill toward men.”
Luke 2:14
As the angels returned to heaven, and the light faded from the hillside the shepherds were filled with purpose. Without a doubt, they had been given good news for all men. Now was the time to see for themselves. In fact, it was with resolute steps they made their way into Bethlehem. With reverence they bowed at the manger where the Son of God lay. Certainly this was the Savior of the world. What a privilege to face the unexpected and find the Prince of Peace.
Pause and Ponder
What disruptions in life are you facing? Is the unknown filling your heart with fear? Does the unexpected chaos bring turmoil to your soul? Pause and let the words of the angel fill your heart. Furthermore, remember that the Prince of Peace has come. Even now he whispers, “Fear not.” Your routines may be disrupted and the situations of life be upended, yet in the midst of it all Jesus can impart His peace to your heart.
When the hustle and bustle of the season threaten to overwhelm you, pause for peace. For example, It may be something as simple as a sip of hot tea by the glimmering Christmas tree or a ramble through a forest of whispering trees. However you choose to pause, let God’s peace enfold you as you ponder His great love for you. Pause for peace and purpose to worship The Prince of Peace.