The unknown future that lies ahead can be brought into perspective when we take the opportunity to use our spiritual rear view mirror. Let me explain by reminding you of the basic uses of a vehicle’s rear view mirror.
The primary use of a rear view mirror in a vehicle is assessing the traffic conditions behind you and around you before changing positions on the road. What you see through the mirror will affect your decisions on how to safely move forward, back up, change lanes, as well as how to safely navigate heavy traffic situations. Driving without the use of the rear view mirror could prove hazardous.
Similarly, the use of the rear view mirror in our own life will provide the correct assessment on how to proceed forward. Furthermore, if a course correction or a lane change is needed the perspective for that can be found in the mirror. When needing to backup proficiently, the rear view mirror is a valuable tool when used correctly. Finally, when navigating stressful situations, a look in your mirror will help you to assess what can be done too get you out of a tight situation.
Forward into the Unknown Future
In the past days, our lives have been turned upside down with the uncharted road that stretches out before us. Fear, trepidation, and anxiety are just a few of the the negative emotions that have surfaced because of the unknown. It is right here, that we will find that the rear view mirror of our spiritual life becomes a valuable tool for the uncertain future. That is to say, look back and remember what God has already brought you through.
It is in the knowing that God has brought us through the mountains in the past, that we can continue on with a confident spirit. The unknown can be faced with confidence because of past victories that we have won through the strength of the Omnipotent and Unchanging God.
Jesus Christ is the same yesterday, today and forever. Hebrews 13:8
We still serve the same God as we did when we traversed the mountains of yesterday. He was faithful then and will continue to be faithful today and tomorrow. I am reminded of the lyrics of an old hymn written by Isaac Watts in the 1700’s. These words are still true today.
O God, our help in ages past, our hope for years to come. Our Shelter from the stormy blast, and our eternal home.
Under the shadow of Thy throne, still may we dwell secure; sufficient is Thine arm alone, and our defense is sure.
Isaac Watts 1674-1748
Course Correction For The Future
An assessing look in the rear view mirror can help us to realize that a course correction would prove invaluable on the journey that we are taking.
Throughout these unmapped territories that lie ahead, we must stay connected with our God. That look in the mirror may have shown you a cooled ardor for God. Perhaps a lackluster prayer life and a dull Bible study were sighted. Possibly, our relationship with God will show that it has been derailed. This derailment may be due to busyness, unforgiveness or various other situations.
If that be the case, now is the time to make a course correction. A decisive decision about getting serious with God could be what is needed. A change in lanes will result in a clearer vision of what lies ahead. In uncertain times we realize more than ever that our relationship with God is the most important aspect of our journey of life.
Back up to Move Forward
At times we are faced with situations in life where we will need to back up. As we check our rear view mirror our reverse gear needs to be in good working order.
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When we look back and realize that we have created hurt in another’s life, we need to back up and apologize. We must keep the channels clear between us and God, as well as with the ones we interact with on a daily basis.
There are moments that a step back to right a wrong is the best way to make forward progress. Don’t hesitate to use your rear view mirror to back up. In so doing, you will be farther down the road.
Uncertain Situations
As we are faced with uncertain situations, a look in the rear view mirror will help you to assess what is needed to navigate through this situation. Sometimes, God tells us to stop and be still. Take time to remember and meditate on God’s Word. Let His Word sink deep into the recesses of your soul, so that you can gain strength to carry on.
At other times we are to just keep on doing the next right thing. Taking the next step and the next until the mountain is behind us.
Another possible way to make it through uncertain situations is by adopting an attitude of gratitude. Look for the good in the situation. List your blessings. Hold on to hope. A grateful attitude could be what makes a difference in your situation. God deals with us on a personal level and knows just what we need. Take your burdens to Him and pick up His mantle of joyful confidence.
A confidence in the directives of the Almighty God is something that He wants us all to cultivate. We must trust that God is in control of today, as well as tomorrow. Our faith in God can be bolstered as we stop and learn to listen to His voice. Our assessment of the past can remind us over and over that no matter what we face He will never leave us. He has brought us through uncertain situations before and He will do it again. Our God can be trusted.
We can navigate the future as we remember how God has helped in the past. Uncertain situations can be managed as we take steps that are guided by our Shepherd. As Corrie Ten Boom said so aptly, Never be afraid to trust an unknown future to a known God.