Have you ever been faced with a lesson that you needed to relearn? Have there been times in your life that you continue to encircle a particular stronghold or spiritual struggle that God wants you to overcome? What about scaling the same mountains over and over again? Its like your life is a repeating echo until you learn the lesson that God wants you to learn.

Triumph in Travels
Thirty-eight years the Israelites trudged around the desert of Mt. Sinai. (Deuteronomy 2:14) It was four hundred fifty-six months that life was set on repeat in hopes they would learn to know and trust the Almighty God. They traversed this desert mountain country for thirteen thousand eight hundred seventy-nine days before God told them to turn northward.
During those days and months and years God fed them with manna, He supplied them with water and there clothing did not wear out. God’s Presence and provision were with them throughout their desert experience.
Nevertheless, there comes a time when God wants us to move forward and stop just mindlessly living. We must put past defeats behind us. God has triumph in mind for the land you are traveling.
“Ye have compassed this mountain long enough: turn ye northward.”
Deuteronomy 2:3 KJV
In essence God was telling them and us that it is time to put faith into practice. Conquer the mountain that has brought you defeat.
Overcoming Mountains
We each have mountains in our lives that God wants us to overcome. Discontentment, selfishness, resentment and self-pity are just a few territories that can become deep ruts we traverse year after year.
I can still remember the mountain of discontentment I had to overcome. My husband and I moved across the country to an upstairs apartment in town. We had a toddler and a 4-month-old. Town life had never been a part of my growing up years. This was hard. It was difficult. Loneliness and fear compounded my discontent.
However, it was in those long months that I learned to look for the joyful things in life. A blooming forsythia outside the window. The small patch of green grass in front of the apartment. Moments of laughter with my growing boys. The patter of rain on the windowpane.
All these and more helped to realign my heart to what God wanted to perfect in my life. I wanted the temporal things that I was used to, but God’s vision encompassed the eternal.
Growth and Gratitude
Town living was used to help me overcome my tendency to discontentment. I had to learn to trust that God worketh all things well. It was in those days He was teaching me to find my satisfaction in Him and not my circumstances.

During that time, I couldn’t see the steps of victory that were happening. Those days when I kerthumped the stroller down the steep stairs to walk around the block with my small boys, pointing out the bird that hopped along the road, the yellow daffodils and the puffy clouds overhead seemed so small and insignificant.
However, growth and gratitude were happening. As I pause and look back, I recognize the foundation for victory God was forming in my heart.
This is just a simple illustration of conquering mountains. But God knows where to start and when to lead us northward to a deeper walk with Him. He never gives up on us. Growing in Christ will always be part of our spiritual walk.
Conquering Mountains throughout Life
It was just recently that God reminded me of another mountain that I have been wondering around for far too long. My heart says ‘yes’ as God reveals to me the steps I need to take.
The situations we don’t like are what helps open our eyes to the realization that we have been circling a particular mountain for far too long. The difficulties become the catalyst for change when we listen to the voice of God.
God does not want us to be stuck wandering the wilderness of defeat for interminable lengths of time. He is ready to help us conquer the enemy.
A Lifestyle of Obedience

In the two years between crossing the Zered Brook and entering Cannan, God led the Israelites with steps of obedience. Obedience became the foundational paving stones that heralded their coming into Cannan.
The Israelites were not to take the land that belonged to the descendants of Esau and Lot. However, Heshbon and Bashan were lands the Israelites were to occupy and conquer. (Deuteronomy 2:1-3:11)
God was cultivating a life of obedience within His people. Through small acts of obedience, they were empowered to conquer the land.
They were not to come in with swords flashing and destroy everything in their path. There were times when God said circumvent this land and at other times they were told to conquer. Victory came because of their listening heart and obedient actions.
Obedience Conquers Mountains
Are there a mountains in your life that you have been circling for too long? Has defeat become a habitual action in your life? Are there steps of obedience that God wants you to take that will enable you to conquer your mountain?
Victory is sure
when our hearts say an
obedient yes.
As you step out in obedience you too will be able to testify with Moses, “…there was not one city too strong for us: the LORD our God delivered all unto us:…” Deuteronomy 2:36b KJV
Victory is sure when our hearts say an obedient yes.