“Renewal is a new mercy that God gives daily.” We can be renewed because of the mercy of God. On the other hand, we might ask, “What is mercy? How is it defined and how can we become aware of God’s mercies on a daily basis?”
Mercy Defined
William Barclay defines mercy as “the compassion and love for another who is in trouble, even if the trouble is his own fault.” Mercy is kindness undeserved, yet given without reserve.

As a young girl, I heard my Dad get up and testify in church. I would hear him say the phrase, “I am thankful for God’s mercy” time and time again as he shared how God worked in his life. This kind of testimony seemed different from others I heard. They would thank God for salvation or sanctification. I always wondered in a passing thought kind of way, why my Dad was so thankful for the mercy of God. As that little girl, mercy seemed to be a nebulous sort of thing with not much meaning. But oh, how wrong I was!
It has been some years now, since I realized in a small way the extent of the greatness of God’s mercy. One day in particular comes to mind from close to ten years ago. It was a day filled with homeschooling my five, overflowing laundry, dwindling finances, angst and self recriminations for not keeping up to the standard I had set myself. It was a not so very good day.
Mercy Extended
I had put the children to bed and all was quiet. My heart was crying out to God in dismay because of a day seemingly full of misery. Despair threatened to drag me under and hold me immobile. God heard my crying heart and brought to mind the word ‘mercy.’ I grasped at this word, as a drowning man grabs a lifeline. The word expanded to the phrase, ..for his mercy endureth forever.” As I sought the Word of God, His compassion enveloped my heart. His kindness undeserved, given without reserve to me. In spite of my limitations, he gave with unlimited liberality.
That night, in the stillness, I searched out what the word mercy meant. I looked up verses with the word mercy embedded into its meaning. My mind grabbed hold of its meaning and my heart became full of praise. I found that like my Dad, I too, am thankful for God’s mercy.
Mercy is not merely an attitude or an emotion, but it is linked with an action that brings good to the one who receives the magnanimity. In other words, Mercy is given by one who is able to render help to one who is needy and unable to help himself. God’s mercy is all of that and more. The kindness and compassion of God is not limited by our limitations. It is a continual outpouring of help, compassion and love when we are in trouble, even when we bring it on ourselves.

His compassion’s fail not. He is able to extend kindness and generosity and does so abundantly. That action He takes to work all things for our good is mercy. When the shimmering sunlight brings a smile to our hearts–that is His merciful kindness. In addition, the barren trees etched against the morning sun reminds us that His mercies are new every morning. Moreover, all of creation sings of God’s faithfulness and everlasting compassion. Mercy comes in many shapes to quicken our heart and to render us the strength to continue on.
Daily Mercies
As I perused files from days past, I came across this poem written that night that had been filled with despair. On the other hand, it was a night filled with victory. For it was then I came to realize a measure of the vast and widespread compassion and kindness of God. This poem brought home to me the new mercies that God gives to us throughout the dailyness of life. No matter what it is God’s mercies are everlasting. Certainly, His compassion’s fail not. God continually extends the help we need in every circumstance, though undeserved, from His heart of great love for each of us. When we grasp the realization that it is only through God’s great mercies that we are not consumed, praise to our God should be a priority.
When the day is dark and dreary
and the kids get all teary;
His mercy endureth forever.
When the attitudes are large
and in the room they barge;
His mercy endureth forever.
When arguments abound
and on the rules they do pound;
His mercy endureth forever.
When my cool I lose
and humanity I choose;
His mercy endureth forever.
When hurtful words I say
on this not so good day;
His mercy endureth forever.
When school is undone
and it's all a re-run;
His mercy endureth forever.
When the process is long
and we lose our song;
His mercy endureth forever.
When the finances dwindle
and money flies out the window;
His mercy endureth forever.
When they kiss me good-night
and hold me tight;
His mercy endureth forever.
When forgiveness I seek
and with sorrow I weep;
His mercy endureth forever.
When He brings me a 'word'
His mercy is out poured;
and I know His mercy endureth forever!

Continued Mercies
The days have turned to weeks. The weeks into years and still I find His out poured mercy in my life. He continually gives and gives again. Time has changed things in my life. During that time, our boys have moved out and married with our blessing. I now only have one grade to home school, twin teenage girls to direct, not near as much laundry and I still say, I’m so thankful for the compassion’s of God. It is only by Him and through Him that we will make it from this life to our heavenly home.
I pause to rewrite the poem I wrote close to a decade ago.
When seasons come and go
And all the children grow;
His mercy endures forever.
When the boys move out
And marriage comes about;
His mercy endures forever.
When with twins we are blessed
and geometry is a mess;
His mercy endures forever.
When your heart is hurt
And your loved one is curt;
His mercy endures forever.
When you are slighted,
Then the wrong is righted;
His mercy endures forever.
When older age dawns
And your parents are gone;
His mercy endures forever.
When life's trials come
To God's grace I can run;
His mercy endures forever.
Through all of my days
In life's short stay;
His mercy endures forever.