Moses journeyed from the desert knowing God had a purpose and a plan. The deliverance of his people was imminent. It was with great confidence that Moses shared with the children of Israel God’s promise of deliverance.
Hope Ahead
The announcement that Almighty God had heard their groanings and had seen their heartache lifted the spirits of the Israelites. As Moses shared with them the identifying name of ‘I AM’ the people believed and bowed their heads and worshiped. (Exodus 4:31)
Excitement rippled through the crowd that had gathered. Things were going to change. There would be life beyond the drudgery of slavery and toil. They would leave behind the cruel taskmasters and the misery of Egypt.
When morning came, the buzz of anticipation lingered. It was with renewed strength they bent beneath their loads. Moses was going to confront Pharoah. Things were going to change. By the end of the day all would be different.
Deliverance Obstructed
But deliverance did not come. Instead, things got worse after Moses opposed Pharoah. (Exodus 5)
Moses turned to God and poured out his complaints for what looked like a broken promise. Then God spoke with intention.
“And God spake unto Moses, and said unto him, I am the LORD: And I appeared unto Abraham, unto Isaac, and unto Jacob, by the name of God Almighty, but by the name JEHOVAH was I not known to them.”
Exodus 6:2 & 3
God’s purpose was for his people to know Him on a deeper level.
Here in this desperate time God personally steps into their story. God had come down to reveal Himself as JEHOVAH. The All-Sufficient and Self-Existent God had come down so that the people would really know Him. The All-Sufficient One can be depended on in any circumstances.
The God who had heard their groanings, was still the same God when deliverance didn’t happen according to their timetable. With a definitive statement God once again declared His promise of complete deliverance. This promise was based on who He was not on the circumstances that surrounded them.
Knowing the Promise Keeper
God was saying,” I AM the Promise-Maker, and I AM the Promise-Keeper.” God, in His changelessness, laid out the plans He had for His people. (Exodus 6:6-8) Gone would be the burdens and bondage. Redemption would come and God would draw His beloved people to Himself.
Through the keeping of this promise the people would know I AM. (Exodus 6:7)
However, as Moses shared with the people all of God’s promises their anguish of spirit and cruel bondage became a barrier to their belief. (Exodus 6:9)
Are you acquainted with the swamping grief of what looks like a failure on God’s part? Have you known the swirling anguish of circumstances that barricade your thoughts and shut down your beliefs?
There is a powerlessness that comes when we are unable to change the reality of where we are. However, in your anguish God is not only the Promise-Maker, but He is your Promise-Keeper. God is not limited by our anguished circumstances, nor is his ability insufficient for our needs.
God’s Invitation
God’s name declares his ability to provide. God is aware of our situation and God’s name conveys his care and concern for us individually.
In life’s hardships, God invites us to draw near and learn the changeless character of God. His purpose is for us to know Him. Knowing God makes all the difference as we walk through this life.
Down through the history of the Israelites, we see the enduring and faithful love of God overshadowing each circumstance.
God continued to step into their lives, bringing plague after plague upon Egypt and its taskmasters. This personal intervention was to show the people that God would not stop fighting for them until His promises were complete.
Here again, I must remind you that we serve the same God. He will not stop short in fulfilling His promises.
Knowing the Heart of God
Down throughout His-story we see God again and again beckoning people to draw near and know Him. He is self-existent and all-sufficient, yet He wants us to step close. God desires a personal relationship with us. We can grow in that relationship with God as we journey deeper into knowing I AM.
It is not the rituals and regulations that God prefers. The desire of God’s heart is that we might know Him. (Hosea 6:6)
Moreover, Jesus while here on earth prayed that we might know God. (John 17:3)
Take steps to deepen your knowledge of God. Not just head knowledge, but a knowledge of the heart that changes everything.
As the Old Testament closes on the chronicle of God’s always and forever love and how God is always calling his creation to Himself, Malachi reminds us that the story is not over.
God’s love did not end when the last page of Malachi is turned. Instead, Malachi prepares us for a new chapter of God’s forever love, by reminding us of the changeless nature of God. He is the God who continues to pursue us with his redeeming love.
“I am the Lord, I change not.”
Malachi 3:6
The same God that promised deliverance and redemption to the Israelites is the same God we serve today. (Hebrew 13:8)
Deliverance Assured
When our spirit is anguished and we cannot see beyond the issues of the moment God is still whispering, “I AM that I AM.”
It is in the face of hopeless days that we can tether our soul to the All-Sufficient God who has come down and desires for us to know Him. It is in our struggle with adversity and discomfort that we will learn that our hope in God is not in vain.
The God that stepped into the lives of the Israelites and brought deliverance with a strong hand is the same promise keeping God today.
God will be faithful tomorrow just as He has been faithful today. Step into the open door of knowing I AM. Accept the invitation to become God’s own treasure. Then delve deep into knowing and serving this faithful God.
Journey Toward Knowing God
- Psalm 103
- Psalm 105
- Psalm 106
Use the above Psalms as a diving board into further study. These Psalms provide a unique overview of the Israelites all the while highlighting the character of God.